Root-Lesion Nematodes

Root-Lesion Nematodes

Published: 3 Mar 2020

Key points

Northern Region

  • Test soil to monitor population changes in rotations and to determine RLN species and population density.
  • Avoid consecutive susceptible crops in rotations to limit the build-up of RLN populations.
  • Choose wheat varieties with tolerance to maximise yields when RLN are present.
  • Choose rotation crops with high resistance ratings, so that fewer nematodes remain in the soil to infect subsequent crops.

Root Lesion Nematode - Northern

Southern Region

  • Root-lesion nematodes are species of Pratylenchus nematodes that feed on the roots of crops and can cause yield loss.
  • The main RLN species in the Southern Region are Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei.
  • The Pratylenchus species present in the soil will affect choice of management practices, in particular rotations.
  • RLN have a wide host range and can multiply on cereals, oilseeds, pulses and pastures as well as on broadleaf and grass weeds.

Root Lesion Nematode - Southern

Western Region

  • Root-lesion nematodes are found over 5.74 million ha (or ~65%) of the cropping area of Western Australia (WA).
  • Populations potentially limit yield in at least 40% of these infested paddocks.
  • The main species found in broadacre cropping in WA are Pratylenchus neglectus, P. quasitereoides (formerly known as P. teres), P. thornei and P. penetrans.
  • The host range of RLN is broad and includes cereals, oilseeds, grain legumes and pastures, as well as many broadleaf and grass weeds.

Root Lesion Nematode - Western

Region: National