Winter Cereal Nutrition: the Ute Guide
Winter Cereal Nutrition: the Ute Guide

This guide is designed to help farmers, advisers, researchers and students identify cereal nutrition disorders and other disorders that they are likely to encounter when monitoring cereal crops across Australia. It covers both nutrient deficiencies and toxicities and environmental, chemical and physiological disorders which can give similar symptoms to nutrient disorders. An emphasis has been put on ease of diagnosis with disorders giving similar symptoms being placed together.
The guide focuses on wheat, barley and oats. Triticale and cereal rye are generally more efficient at extracting nutrients and only rarely are strong visual symptoms observed. In situations where symptoms are present in a triticale or cereal rye crop they are likely to be similar to those in wheat.
Soil testing, plant analysis and paddock test strips should all be part of a regular nutrition monitoring program for each paddock so that corrective action can be taken before significant yield loss occurs.
In most cases when visual symptoms of nutrient disorders appear large yield losses have already occurred.
At the beginning of this guide there is a contents list with an identification key which will assist you to find the information on the particular disorder you are trying to identify. The contents listing divides the disorders into wheat, barley, oats, triticale and cereal rye and will lead you straight to the appropriate page if you believe you know the cause of the disorder. The identification key divides the symptoms of the disorders into: yellowing, striping, spotting, deformities and reddening/purpling.
Make use of this Ute Guide in your day to day operations out in the paddock.
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