GRDC Grains Research Update Hillston 2021
GRDC Grains Research Update Hillston 2021
Presented at:
This page contains update papers presented at the .
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Presented at
Paper presented at the GRDC Grains Research Update, online, on Grazing and chemical options to manage feathertop Rhodes grass in southern NSW. Presented by Hanwen Wu from NSW DPI....
Paper presented at the GRDC Grains Research Updates in Jerilderie, Hillston, Nindigully, Walgett and Gunnedah in 2021. Presented on Fusarium crown rot seed fungicides: independent field evaluation 2018-2020 by Steven Simpfendorfer....
Paper presented at the Jerilderie, Hillston, Nindigully, Walgett and Gunnedah Updates in 2021. Presented on Wheat powdery mildew in NSW and northern Victoria in 2020 by Steven Simpfendorfer....
Paper presented at the Jerilderie and Hillston GRDC Grains Research Updates by Eva Moffitt from EM Ag Consulting on within-paddock nitrogen variability and the potential role of cereal grain protein mapping for site-specific N management...
Paper presented by Lynne Macdonald and Rachael Whitworth at the Hillston GRDC Grains Research Update in July 2021 on the topic of Diagnosing constraints is key to cost effective amelioration: Do responses in NSW sands differ from the broader Southern sandy context?...
Paper presented by Maurie Street from GOA at the Hillston GRDC Grains Research Update looking at windrowing vs direct heading canola and the risks and benefits behind this. Timing of windrowing of canola can have a huge impact on profitability through its influence on yield and oil% with profit reduced by up to $50/day for every day crops are windr...
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