GRDC Grains Research Update Perth 2021
GRDC Grains Research Update Perth 2021
Presented at:
22nd Feb 2021 to 23rd Feb 2021Update Event
Perth, WA
Sponsored by GRDC: GRDC Grains Research Update Perth
GRDC Grains Research Update Perth
Region: West
This page contains update papers presented at the GRDC Grains Research Update Perth.
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Presented at GRDC Grains Research Update Perth
To examine current and potential rainfall and temperature patterns in the grainbelt and some of the implications for plant growth....
Grading OP TT canola seed to >2mm increases plant establishment, grain yield and gross returns....
Maintaining feed on offer at about 2t DM/ha for four weeks in spring can effectively control RLEM in the following growing season....
Extensive datasets highlight that baiting programs should be focused during March to June...
On-farm, deep-sowing studies at Southern Cross (WA) showed the benefits of new dwarfing genes in increasing coleoptile length and seedling emergence at sowing depths of up to 140mm....
Fall armyworm was detected for the first time in Australia in early 2020, migrating from northern Queensland to Kununurra, Broome, Carnarvon, Geraldton and Gingin....
This research compared the heat tolerance of current commercial wheat varieties under elevated day and night temperatures during anthesis (Zadok 60) and grain fill (Zadok 73) growth stages....
Heat stress has increasingly impacted wheat crops from West Australia over the last decades....
Sowing in March did not produce higher yields than sowing in April but did provide further sowing opportunities for growers to consider....
Stacked tolerance in canola offers multiple options and timings to control annual ryegrass....