GRDC Grains Research Update Perth 2021
GRDC Grains Research Update Perth 2021
Presented at:
22nd Feb 2021 to 23rd Feb 2021Update Event
Perth, WA
Sponsored by GRDC: GRDC Grains Research Update Perth
GRDC Grains Research Update Perth
Region: West
This page contains update papers presented at the GRDC Grains Research Update Perth.
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Presented at GRDC Grains Research Update Perth
Pasture with late-season weed growth tended to dry the soil out at depth more than a grain crop. Early spray-out would be required to conserve water for following crops....
Deeper soils can have higher soil moisture, so deeper sowing (50-200mm) may offer increased sowing opportunities....
Increasing canola seeding rate reduces annual ryegrass (ARG) seed production....
Lime incorporation through suitable tillage treatments increased subsoil pH to the depth of incorporation faster than application to the surface....
Active management of chickpea Ascochyta blight is essential, including seed dressing and foliar fungicide at four to six weeks, even if the risk of Ascochyta is considered low....
Sheep can consume a higher quality diet through selective grazing, but the overall low quality of stubble and chaff means that farmers need to ensure higher quality feeds are also available, e.g. spilled grains, green pick and providing supplementary feed to meet nutritional requirements....
Surface application of at least 2t/ha lime will increase yield within 1–8 years of application, however, higher lime rates will maintain and improve subsoil pH over time and might increase yield further....
To identify the main source of ice nucleation activity (INA) and track their temporal changes from flowering to ripening stages of wheat plants grown under contrasting stubble management (stubble retained and burnt)...
Break crops, such as canola and pulses, can be part of a profitable crop rotation in the low rainfall zone...
The Climate and Weather team at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provide summaries of weather relevant to the agricultural industry as graphs and maps....