Bill Gordon: Ok one of the things I want to talk about when it comes to pulse width modulation or any system that actually runs a solenoid that opens and closes very quickly, is a style of nozzles that we're going to run on it and our choices and how that operates in conjunction with that duty cycle or the speed at which this opens and closes. So when we open and close a solenoid very quickly, we have difficulty running things like air induction nozzles.
You have to run specialist pre-orifice, a bit like your low drift types or standard flat fans on these, and you can see on this one we actually have a model number it's an 05 orifice, now for most of growers you know that might be running in the mid twenties they might choose an 025 or an 03 nozzle. If i put an 05 on there that means the percentage of time this is going to be on it's not going to be running continuously or a hundred percent of the time, so if I'd normally run an 025 and I put an 05 orifice on there it's going to be running about fifty percent of the time. That's one of the issues that we find with these is that if you put too big a nozzle on here that duty cycle or percentage of time that it actually stays open gets too low, so nozzle selection becomes very critical.
Now with this particular system you can run Wilga nozzles, but you also have the option to buy retro fitted caps and run T jets on. Like any other system you need to check that 1: it's going to give the litres per hectare, 2: it's going to give you the droplet size or spray quality you require, but the 3rd thing you need to think about with these systems and I can't emphasize that enough, is the percentage of time that it's going to be on or the duty cycle is absolutely critical.
Now for a lot of in-crop sprayers where we might be using a medium droplet, I would suggest to people to keep that duty cycle above sixty percent, so start as high as you possibly can don't let the machine slow down too much and the bottom end of 60, maybe fifty percent, but if you change the course droplets they're not going to distribute around as much behind the machine. You want to keep that duty cycle even higher.
So typically i'd aim again start as close to a hundred percent as i can, but in slowing down try not to let it get below about 70-percent with a course and so when you go around obstacles or the end of the field think about how you plan the paddock, with a couple of headlands in, treat it a bit like other sprayers that again is an added factor or duty cycle here which complicates things with pulse width modulation.