Bill Gordon: Ok, this is a trailing rig fitted with a diaphragm pump. You can actually see the piston heads here. This may look like a large pump, it's quite a big size. We want to read the tag – it only does 250 litres in a minute. When you compare that to a hydraulically driven centrifugal pump or a snail shell sort of design about that big, some of them will punch out up to 800 litres a minute, but some of them in the same size will only do 150 litres a minute, so the tag is very important.
When I look at this particular one, this diaphragm pump, what we call positive displacement. When it shifts the liquid, all of it has to go somewhere. So if I look at a 36-metre boom at the back of this sprayer and say, well, that's 72 nozzles. If they're doing a litre a minute, then seventy litres a minute are going to the boom. If this was operating at full capacity, that's only leaving me, what, about a hundred and forty litres to return to the tank if everything is operating at full capacity.
This machine has a six-and-a-half-thousand-litre tank, and ideally, we want to shift about two to three percent of that volume per minute. In other words, we want to turn over the whole tank volume within 15 or 20 minutes. So we start at six and a half thousand litres, that's 3 litres in a hundred or 30 in a thousand, and six and a half times that. My rough math says about 200 litres a minute is required for agitation. Now, if the boom is taking 70 litres a minute, even with a lilac nozzle, we're not returning enough volume to the tank.
This pump is probably a little bit under capacity for this size tank, and the thing we need to be aware of is that these diaphragm pumps will lose about three percent capacity each year. So if it's six or seven years old, it might have lost twenty percent of that capacity, and the agitation is going to get worse over time. So when we think about the chemicals we're putting in the tank, make sure we've got enough capacity in the pump so we can turn over the volume.
So if you're ordering a new sprayer and you're going to a larger tank to get more productive, think a lot about the pump and the capacity that it has. So what you're putting out the boom, what's left will go through the tank. But think about how it's going to perform in five or ten years because that capacity will go down.