This video appears in modules 4 and 21.
Bill Gordon: We're looking at assessing spray deposition in stubble, particularly in summer time because one of the issues we have on most machines is problems in the wheel tracks and issues with dusting around the wheels, so what we've been doing is positioning water sensitive paper down in amongst the stubble, but also in the inter-row. It's important to have a reference point when you do that, so when checking across the machine we'll start out on the boom and see what the deposition should be without interference, and then we'll come back into the machine.
So what we'll do is check some deposition in the standing stubble out on the boom here. Okay we're about the midpoint of the boom out from the machine, and we placed the cards in the inter-row or between the standing stubble but also at the base and what we're looking for is comparing the deposition between the two areas, so looking at where the droplets have landed, seeing if there's enough coverage there we're going to use this as a reference point. The things we're looking for on this water sensitive paper or card is how even that is between the two. If we get to the point where these are pretty even it's a great reference point, so on this we can see fairly uniform droplets, you actually use the core spectrum here at about 80 litres of water and the two cards look very similar.
Now we can use at base programs like snap card to actually measure that deposition as a percentage coverage and we can see how close it is, cos quite often with the naked eye they'll look similar but you might not pick up the subtle differences, but these two to me look pretty even and they'll form our reference point for comparing the other cards in closer to the machine, so whatever happens here out on the boom we'll be comparing other parts of the boom particularly around the wheel tracks in the center of the machine to see if it is as good as it is here. Now if we see any issues between these, like differences between what's happening in the inter-row and the stubble line, particularly reductions in the stubble, that should be a cue to us that we need to change something either volume or pressure, maybe manipulate droplet size a little bit, so this is our reference point. If we get this right across the boom then we can go and have a look at the center and see if there's anything also we need to adjust to tweak the wheel tracks or manipulate for dust.
We're moving into the wheel track area of the machine now and it's really important focus for summer fallow spraying, not only for dust but looking at what's going on around the wheel track, so we're looking at either outside the wheel or inside the wheel and coming down to the cards, this one placed on the outside of the tyre, so we're comparing what's going on in the inter-row to the standing stubble and I can see in the standing stubble on the outside of the tyre the deposition is quite a bit lower on this card. If I come to the inside of the tyre over here, again if we look at what's going on here in the standing stubble you can see the deposition is a lot less there in the standing stubble, so what we're going to do is have a look at the setup on the machine, see where the nozzles are and see if we can make some improvements.
We come in to look at the nozzle setup on this machine, I can see it's a dual boom and that in and around the wheel itself they've actually got a larger nozzle on here to increase the flow rate, which is very common for most operators, they'll increase the flow on the wheel to try and deal with dust and wheeltrack issues, but what we've seen is that the problem is actually also on the outside of the wheel, so rather than just increasing the flow rate in one spot by in this case including a bigger nozzle, what we should do is probably spread that flow, at least look at outside of either side of the wheel to try and even up that deposition and then run those tests again to see how well we've done.
Once we've done that we can look at other areas on the machine, so while we're doing the same test, I tend to not only focus on the outside of the boom or in the wheel tracks, I'll take a measurement in the center on these particular wheels inside and outside on the other wheel and also out on the center of the boom and make the same comparisons. Remembering that our reference point is what's going on out in the boom, if we see any differences in the center around the wheels this is where we're trying to improve things to get our fallow spraying to be a little bit better.