GRDC Grains Research Update Nindigully 2015
GRDC Grains Research Update Nindigully 2015

Nindigully GRDC Grains Research Update proceedings PDF 1.2 MB
6th August 2015
Farming systems performance: A major new farming systems project on the constraints to performance and efficiency.
Lindsay Bell, CSIRO
Sorghum agronomy to manage risk and improve yield in the western zone
Loretta Serafin, NSW DPI
Chickpea and fababean agronomy
Kerry McKenzie, DAF Qld
Fixing more nitrogen in pulse crops
Nikki Seymour, DAF Qld
Update on a dedicated sampling strategy to improve the accuracy of PreDicta B soil testing
Steven Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI
Get the first second and third punch in on feathertop Rhodes grass
Richard Daniel, NGA & Mark Congreve, ICAN
Integrating camera sprayers into summer fallow: strategy and farmer experience (no paper)
Phil Lockwood, Meremley Agricultural Services
Sampling for P and N: when, where, how often and how intensively should you be sampling?
Mike Bell, QAAFI