GRDC Grains Research Update Toowoomba 2016
GRDC Grains Research Update Toowoomba 2016

Toowoomba GRDC Grains Research Update Proceedings (PDF 2.6mb)
Tuesday 21st June 2016
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
- The Wellcamp airport - its strategic role, implications and opportunities for agriculture in inland Southern Queensland. Sara Hales (Wellcamp Airport Communications and Business Development Manager) (No paper)
- Practical applications of digital imaging. Peter Birch (B & W Rural/Satamap)
- Managing the major mungbean diseases; halo blight, fusarium wilt, tan spot and powdery mildew. Lisa Kelly (DAF Qld) & Sue Thompson (USQ)
- Management of the major mungbean diseases in Australia. Lisa Kelly (DAF Qld)
- Fungicide management of mungbean powdery mildew. Sue Thompson (USQ)
- Mungbean agronomy for a profitable crop: plant population, row spacing, time of sowing, water use, varieties, nitrogen fixation and key yield drivers. Kerry McKenzie (DAF Qld)
- Mungbean insects - what’s new – late season mirids, Etiella, scouting. Hugh Brier & Liz Williams (DAF Qld)
- Optimising sorghum genetics and management for targeted situations. How big is the current upside and what might be possible with new genetics? David Jordan & Daniel Rodriguez (QAAFI)
- Minimising nitrogen losses to improve use efficiency in summer crops. Mike Bell (QAAFI)
- Tillage impacts of weed seed burial and subsequent management. Michael Widderick (DAF Qld)
- Grower experience with new planter technology - auto downforce, variable rate seeding. Is it working, are differences being seen, will the investment pay-off? Dave Peters (grower, Allora) & Dale Jeude (grower, Bowenville) (No paper)
- Chickpea and faba bean disease update. Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)