GRDC Grains Research Update Bellata 2017

GRDC Grains Research Update Bellata 2017

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Proceedings from the Bellata GRDC Grains Research Update 2017

Bellata Grains Research Update proceedings booklet
 (7 Mb PDF)

Friday 10th March 2017

Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.

Fallow management – managing problem grass weeds and glyphosate resistant sow thistle (Richard Daniel, NGA)

Spray application tips and tactics  (Bill Gordon, Nufarm)

Where did the low levels of Fusarium head blight come from in 2016 and what does it mean? (Steven Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI)

Barley disease update:

Nitrogen timing and placement - does early fallow timing provide better nitrogen use efficiency? (Rachel Norton, NGA)

Denitrification and managing nitrogen loss risk (Chris Dowling, Back Paddock Co)

Optimised canola profitability project (2016 results) (Rick Graham, NSW DPI) 

Canola agronomy and fit in northern farming systems (Jeremy Whish, CSIRO)

Fababean disease management (Joop van Leur, NSW DPI)

Minimising risk of disease in 2017 chickpea crops (Kevin Moore, NSW DPI)

Further evidence that chickpea varieties differ in reaction of pods to Ascochyta (Kevin Moore, NSW DPI)