GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Farming plant available water – Differences in crop ability to extract soil water and implications for subsequent crops
18 May 2021
Region: North
Theme: Farming plant available water – Differences in crop ability to extract soil water and implications for subsequent crops.
- Plant Available Water Capacity – crop and varietal differences in soil water extraction (Kirsten Verburg, CSIRO)
- Crop differences in soil water extraction and legacy impacts this can have on the farming system (Lindsay Bell & John Kirkegaard, CSIRO)
- Measuring and modelling crop demand for water - consultant experience in managing risk (Peter McKenzie, Agricultural Consulting & Extension Services)
Update Papers
- Managing crop differences in soil water extraction and legacy impacts within a farming system
- Plant Available Water Capacity – crop and varietal differences in soil water extraction
Erica McKay
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