GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Strategies for managing feathertop Rhodes grass and ecology and biology of windmill grass
01 Jun 2021
Region: North
Theme: Strategies for managing feathertop Rhodes grass and ecology and biology of windmill grass
- Resistance status (John Broster, CSU)
- Ecology & biology of windmill grass and FTR - what's similar - what's different? (Bhagirath Chauhan, UQ)
- Crop competition as a management tool (Bhagirath Chauhan, UQ)
- Grazing management and impact on FTR (Hanwen Wu, NSW DPI)
- Key management strategies for FTR (Hanwen Wu/Eric Koetz, NSW DPI (Southern NSW) & Richard Daniel (NNSW/Qld)
- Strategy & tactics
- Herbicides
- Crop sequence
Update Papers
- Biology of feathertop Rhodes grass and windmill grass
- Grazing and chemical options to manage feathertop Rhodes grass in southern NSW
- Feathertop Rhodes grass ecology and management. What strategies are working best?
Presentation slides
Erica McKay
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