GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Disease – NNSW & Qld
02 Mar 2022
Region: North
Topics for this webinar:
- Stripe rust outbreaks in 2021 - what did we learn that’s helpful to planning for 2022? (Robert Park, University of Sydney)
- Cereal disease issues for 2022. (Steven Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI & Lisle Snyman, DAF Qld)
- What did we learn in 2021 and how can we use this to improve management this season?
- A new seed treatment for crown-rot
- Stripe rust pathotype changes
- Netform net blotch management in barley
- Fungicide timing
- Fungicide resistance - Is there a disease downside to stripper fronts? Harvest height implications for crown rot and other stubble borne diseases. (Toni Petronaitis, NSW DPI)
- Nitrogen impacts on crown-rot and implications for management. (Mitch Buster, NSW DPI).
Update Papers
- Northern region wheat stripe rust epidemic in 2021 – learnings for 2022
- Cereal disease management: using learnings from 2021 to improve management in 2022
- Net Form Net Blotch management in barley
- Harvest height implications for Fusarium crown rot management
- New insights into nitrogen and water interactions with Fusarium crown rot
Erica McKay or John Cameron
02 9482 4930
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