

GRDC Code: DJP1907-004RTX
Surveys and associated diagnostics of the incidence and severity of diseases of cereals and pulses within the Southern Region (Victoria).
This project will capture data to establish the current prevalence and severity of diseases of cereals and pulses in the GRDC's Southern Region. Structured surveys will provide detailed information on disease prevalence and severity, while less structured paddock inspections and interactions with industry will provide additional information. The implementation of new software tools will improve data capture, mapping and reporting associated with surveillance activities. These surveillance activities will also provide a means of recording absences of exotic diseases to support claims of area freedom. Isolates collected from surveillance activities will be characterised, stored and used in related research activities.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
[DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Project status
status icon Completed



Fungicide resistance management in Australian grain crops -     GRDC

Fungicide resistance management in Australian grain crops - GRDC

1619013600000 Publication CUR1905-001SAX, CUR1106-001RTX, CUR1403-002BLX, UOM1306-001RMX, DJP1907-004RTX, DAW1907-001RTX, DAW1907-002RTX, DAN1703-011BLX

The Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network (AFREN) is a collaborative network of Australian grains industry stakeholders with an interest in, and responsibility for, the development and delivery of integrated and regionally specific