GRDC Grains Research Update Warren 2015
GRDC Grains Research Update Warren 2015

Warren Grains Research Update Proceedings 2.4 PDF
Wheat variety response to sowing time
Rick Graham, NSW DPI
Seeding systems & pre-emergence herbicides
Sam Kleemann, University of Adelaide
Report on the 2013 GOA herbicide resistance survey
Maurie Street, Grain Orana Alliance
The nuts and bolts of efficient and effective windrow burning
Maurie Street, Grain Orana Alliance
Chickpea and mungbean research to maximise yield in northern NSW
Leigh Jenkins and Andrew Verrell, NSW DPI
Chickpea ascochyta – is the pathogen changing and what are the implications for management?
Kevin Moore, NSW DPI
Chickpea Ascochyta – evidence that varieties do differ in susceptibility of pods
Kevin Moore, NSW DPI
Effect of chickpea Ascochyta on yield of current varieties and advanced breeding lines – the 2014 Tamworth VMP14 trial
Kevin Moore, NSW DPI
Phytophthora in chickpea varieties – resistance rankings and yield loss
Kevin Moore, NSW DPI