GRDC Grains Research Update Chinchilla 2016
GRDC Grains Research Update Chinchilla 2016

Chinchilla Grains Research Update proceedings booklet (3.7 Kb PDF)
Wednesday 22nd June 2016
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
- Killing storage pests without mercy – fumigation strategies that work. Andrew Ridley (DAF Qld)
- Using insect traps to find and control storage pests early - help build a reputation with grain buyers as a reliable supplier. Greg Daglish (DAF Qld)
- Super cool results – achieving great aeration results. Simple maintenance/changes to greatly improve aeration airflow. Results from on-farm trials in 2016. Philip Burrill (DAF Qld)
- Chickpea and faba bean disease update. Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- High performance crop sequences for South Western Queensland. Long-term economics, risk, water-use-efficiency, nutrient use efficiency & impacts on soil sustainability. Lindsay Bell (CSIRO)
- Practical applications for digital imaging. Peter Birch (B & W Rural/Satamap)
- Mungbean agronomy: plant population, row spacing, time of sowing, water use, varieties, optimising nitrogen fixation and key yield drivers. Kerry McKenzie & Nikki Seymour (DAF Qld)
- Managing the major mungbean diseases; halo blight, fusarium wilt, tan spot and powdery mildew. Lisa Kelly (DAF Qld) & Sue Thompson (USQ)
- Management of the major mungbean diseases in Australia. Lisa Kelly (DAF Qld)
- Fungicide management of mungbean powdery mildew. Sue Thompson (USQ)
- Minimising nitrogen losses to improve use efficiency in summer crops. Mike Bell (QAAFI)
- Compost as a nutrient source. Crop, microbial and soil effects after 5+ years of use. Duncan Weir (DAF Qld)
- Fallow management of grass weeds - new data on key problem weeds and new weeds such as button grass. Richard Daniel (NGA)