GRDC Grains Research Update Mullaley 2016
GRDC Grains Research Update Mullaley 2016

Mullaley Grains Research Update proceedings
Thursday 21st July 2016
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
- Practical applications for UAV's and digital imaging. Ben Boughton (Nuffield Scholar & CEO Satamap)
- Russian wheat aphid - identification, detection, management and implications. Melina Miles (DAF Qld)
- Managing patches of glyphosate resistant weeds – what have we learnt from grower experience? Costs, advantages and practicalities of key IWM tactics. Tony Cook (NSW DPI)
- Harvest weed seed capture systems in the northern region. Experience with the Harrington Seed Destructor and the Chaff Deck system for weed tramlining. Michael Walsh (University of Sydney)
- Yield drivers and agronomy for high yielding sorghum - closing the yield gap! Guy McMullen (NSW DPI)
- Minimising nitrogen losses to improve use efficiency in cropping systems. Graeme Schwenke (NSW DPI)
- Nematodes: Summer cropping options and soil health solutions to manage root-lesion nematodes. Kirsty Owen (USQ) & Nikki Seymour (DAF Qld)
- Summer cropping options to manage root-lesion nematodes. Kirsty Owen (USQ)
- Biological suppression of root-lesion nematodes in northern grain-growing soils. Nikki Seymour (DAF Qld)
- Sorghum after canola on the Liverpool Plains - is there an issue with mycorrhizae? Richard Daniel (NGA)
- Managing the major mungbean diseases; halo blight, fusarium wilt, tan spot and powdery mildew. Lisa Kelly (DAF Qld) & Sue Thompson (USQ)
- Management of the major mungbean diseases in Australia. Lisa Kelly (DAF Qld)
- Fungicide management of mungbean powdery mildew. Sue Thompson (USQ)
- A new strain of wheat leaf rust. Potential impacts, which varieties and what to look for. Adult plant resistance - its role and use in rust management. Robert Park (University of Sydney PBI, Cobbitty)