Maximise coverage – Minimise loss: Making every spray drop count – Spalding

Event Name
Maximise coverage – Minimise loss: Making every spray drop count – Spalding
Start Date
End Date
8 hours

What does spraying best practice look like in 2024?

Join spray application & product experts Bill Gordon & Andre Sabeeney, and change management specialist Dennis Hoiberg, as they answer that question and provide you with strategies to implement it, maintain it and enhance your productivity. You’ll also hear local farmers share their experience, get the latest on crucial weather tools, gain confidence in compliance and record keeping and improve your understanding of spray quality & droplet behaviours in an up close, on-site demo. This event has been designed with farmers as our main focus.

Numbers have been limited to ensure it's as interactive as possible (we want you to be able to ask questions as you think of them, tell us about your specific challenges, share tips and tricks with the rest of the group). There will also be a limited number of places available to advisors and industry. Please share this event with your neighbours and in your farmer chat groups. We can achieve greater results through collective effort, and we don't want anyone missing out because they hadn't heard about it.

This workshop will be tailored to ensure it's relevant to your spray operations - please help us prepare by answering a few quick questions as you register (none of them are hard, we promise!).

This event is free and includes morning tea, lunch and refreshments. There is plenty of on-site parking available.

View the flyer for this workshop in Spalding

Spalding Sporting Complex, RM Williams Way
SA 5454
Contact name
Sandy Kimbar
Contact phone

Cost (in AUD$): Free


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