Frost Mapping

Host: | Date: 07 Aug 2019

More about this podcast

A research effort led by CSIRO, with GRDC investment, has developed a modeling tool that could in future years help growers rapidly understand the extent of crop damage following a frost event to aid with timely decision-making post-frost.

The Frost Mapping project is one of a number of projects related to GRDC’s key investment target strategy for frost.

Further information:

David Gobbett
Senior Experimental Scientist / Spatial Data Analyst
Integrated Agricultural Systems
CSIRO Agriculture & Food

Phone: +61 8 8303 8741Mobile: 043 887 5531 | | |
Postal: Locked Bag 2, Glen Osmond, SA 5064, Australia | Site: CSIRO Waite Campus, Gate 4, Waite Rd, Urrbrae, SA 5064

Useful Resources

A range of resources to help growers identify and manage frosted crops are available on the GRDC website:

And on CSIRO’s website…

GRDC Project Code: CSP00198,