Late sowing of cereals due to waterlogging

Late sowing of cereals due to waterlogging

Host: | Date: 24 Apr 2024

More about this podcast

Autumn and Winter waterlogging is relatively common in WA’s Albany and Esperance port zones, but it can severely impact grain production. But new research is giving growers greater confidence to sow late season cereal varieties or reseed in a challenging season.

The research, made possible with GRDC investment, involves Stirlings to Coast Farmers, Fitzgerald Biosphere Group and Southeast Premium Wheat Growers Association (SEPWA). In this podcast, Lizzie Von Perger from Stirlings to Coast Farmers and Dave Cook from SEPWA talk us through the research findings and the insight collected so far.

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Lizzy Von Perger
Stirlings to Coast Framers

Michelle Hendley
South East Premium Wheat Growers Association (SEPWA)

More Information

GRDC YouTube – Late sowing of cereals due to waterlogging

GRDC farm trials portal – Results from this investment

GRDC Project Code: SCF2208-001SAX, SCF2306-005SAX,