
Spray application manual

Module 23: Upgrading the sprayer

23.1 Introduction

Published 24 January 2025 | Last updated 20 January 2025

Whether it is through the purchase of a new sprayer, or a major re-fit of an existing rig, the reason for upgrading the sprayer should be to improve productivity or to improve efficacy (or both) without negatively affecting either one of these.

The decision to make a new purchase, or to refurbish an existing sprayer, will depend on what the current and future needs of the farming system are, as well as how far the enterprise has progressed towards integrating all of the equipment. It is important to ensure that all of the farm equipment can work well together, particularly the tyre centres and total equipment widths, starting with the harvester and seeding equipment. This will increase efficiencies of all machinery over time.

In many situations, an upgrade to the existing sprayer or an upgrade to the mixing and handling systems will provide an increase in productivity while other farm equipment is being upgraded or replaced. As with all equipment, technology changes and the options available are increasing at a rapid rate, so it is important to define what you actually require the sprayer to be able to do, now and into the future, so you can critically evaluate the options available.

Each of the modules included in this GRDC GrowNotesTM Spray application manual for grain growers have been assembled to provide practical information to assist with the decision-making process when it comes time to upgrade the spraying equipment or to improve spraying operations.

The following section of this module provides a summary of some of the important things to consider before upgrading the sprayer or any of the major components.

Buying a sprayer - a grower perspective

24 January 2025

What to consider before buying a sprayer - a grower perspective. Another video from GRDC's Spray Application GROWNOTES™series.