Spray application manual
15 March 2025
Module 22: Integration of the sprayer with other farm equipment
Module 22: Integration of the sprayer with other farm equipment
Module 22 talks about integrating the sprayer with other farm equipment including tyre centres, equipment widths and spacings.
Key points
Increased levels of accuracy and precision may provide opportunities for additional spray application techniques, including banded and directed spraying and inter-row shielded spraying.
Whether the wheel track measurement system is based on imperial or metric units does not matter, provided the same measurement system is used on all machinery.
Matching the tyre centres of all equipment can reduce crop damage and minimise trafficked areas in the paddock.
Selecting seeding and spraying equipment that are multiples of a standard width (e.g. the width of the cutter bar on the harvester) can improve the accuracy of applications and reduce over-dosing or under-dosing on the edges of spray passes.
Matching nozzle spacing to crop row width may improve spray coverage, stubble penetration and may reduce drift potential.