GRDC Grains Research Update Nyngan 2016
GRDC Grains Research Update Nyngan 2016

Nyngan GRDC Grains Research Update Proceedings
Friday 26th February 2016
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
- Soil water and drivers of fallow efficiency - Brett Cocks and Tony Webster (CSIRO)
- Methods and tools to characterise soils for plant available water capacity (Nyngan) - Kirsten Verburg, Brett Cocks, Tony Webster and Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- SoilWaterApp – a new tool to measure and monitor soil water - David Freebairn
- Methods and tools to characterise soils for plant available water capacity (Nyngan) - Kirsten Verburg, Brett Cocks, Tony Webster and Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- Canola agronomy - Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Canola harvest management in northern NSW: Snapshot from year 1 - Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Canola harvest management in northern NSW: Snapshot from year 1 - Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Agronomic yield and quality drivers in cereals - an update on Nyngan/Central west agronomy trials to optimise yield: varieties, sowing time, N and P and crown rot - Rick Graham (NSW DPI) (not presented due to speaker illness) (No paper)
- GOA nutritional research update - Maurie Street (GOA) (No paper)
- Crown-rot update - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Yield impact of crown rot on winter cereal crop and variety selection (Nyngan 2015) - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Crown rot – does cereal crop or variety choice matter? - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Do seed treatments have a place with crown rot - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Yield impact of crown rot on winter cereal crop and variety selection (Nyngan 2015) - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Cereal N nutrition at Nyngan - Greg Brooke (NSW DPI) (No paper)
- Chasing protein or yield - where is profit optimised? - Panel session: Rick Graham, Maurie Street, Greg Brooke & Breil Jackson
- Barley agronomy for malting grades. Seeding rate, nutrition and agronomy. Also, barley varieties and weed competition. - Rich Graham (NSW DPI) (Not presented due to speaker illness) (No paper)
- Rust - what worked, what didn’t and what’s new - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Pushing pulse crop yield in western NSW - Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Nutrition in chickpea 2015 (northern NSW pulse agronomy project) - Andrew Verrell and Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Faba bean density experiments 2015 (Northern Winter Pulse Agronomy) - Andrew Verrell and Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Effect of seed size at sowing on grain yield of PBA Nasma faba bean - Andrew Verrell and Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Nutrition in chickpea 2015 (northern NSW pulse agronomy project) - Andrew Verrell and Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Is chickpea on chickpea worth it? - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Chickpeas: What we learnt in 2015 and recommendations for 2016 - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Effect of chickpea ascochyta on yield of current varieties and advanced breeding lines – the 2015 Tamworth trial VMP15 - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- A new DNA tool to determine risk of chickpea Phytophthora root rot - Sean Bithell (NSW DPI)
- Phytophthora in chickpea varieties HER15 trial –resistance and yield loss - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Soil acidity - crop yield impacts and management in Central Western NSW - John Small (Central West Farming Systems)
- Implications of dry conditions for the breakdown of residual herbicides - John Cameron (ICAN)