GRDC Grains Research Update Condamine 2017
GRDC Grains Research Update Condamine 2017

Condamine Grains Research Update proceedings booklet (7 Mb PDF)
Thursday 9th March 2017
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
- High crown rot risk and should growers plant barley or wheat in northern NSW and southern Queensland (Steven Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI)
- Crown rot yield loss response curves (Clayton Forknall, DAF Qld)
- Cereal leaf disease update (Lislé Snyman, DAF QLD)
- Seed treatments – Systiva® performance in northern trials (Greg Platz, Lislé Snyman, Ryan Fowler, DAF Qld)
- Evaluation of fungicide management strategies to control spot-form of net blotch in barley (Steven Simpfendorfer and Maurie Street)
- Leaf rust in Compass (Lislé Snyman, Clayton Forknall and Greg Platz, DAF Qld)
- Increased levels of net form of net blotch in Commander and Shepherd (Ryan Fowler and Greg Platz, DAF Qld)
- Loose smut in 2016 (Greg Platz, Lislé Snyman and Ryan Fowler, DAF Qld)
- Scald and other wet season diseases - what did we learn in 2016? (Greg Platz, Lislé Snyman & Ryan Fowler, DAF Qld)
- Yellow leaf spot trials and the economics of spraying (Lislé Snyman, Greg Platz, Clayton Forknall, DAF Qld)
- Chickpea and faba bean disease update. (Kevin Moore, NSW DPI)
- Nitrogen timing and placement (Richard Daniel, NGA)
- Variety specific agronomy package research program (Andrew Erbacher, DAF QLD)
- Soil water, stubble and fallow management(Brendan Burton, NGA)
- Fallow management – managing problem grass weeds and glyphosate resistant sow thistle (Richard Daniel, NGA)
- Weed management in chickpeas - options for harder to manage weeds (Richard Daniel, NGA & Mark Congreve, ICAN)
- Boom setups and use for different types of spray jobs (Bill Gordon, Nufarm)