GRDC Grains Research Update – Goondiwindi
30 Jul 2024
- 31 Jul 2024
Region: North
Session 1
General Plenary day 1 topics included looking at new technologies such as satellites, drones and connectivity with:
- Arthur Gearon (GRDC),
- Tim Neale (DataFarming),
- Tom Andrews (Connected Farms),
- Brendan Griffiths (Data-Ag),
- Keith Pembleton (USQ).
Update Papers
- Taking the first steps to automated agronomy by Tim Neale
- Telco connectivity for broadacre agriculture on the move by Tom Andrews
- Applications of three dimensional measurement of soil water properties using electromagnetic induction by Brendan Griffiths
- Using precision ag to understand constraints to crop production by Brendan Griffiths
- Improving grain grower business resilience before, during and post drought arm online tools to assist on-farm decision making by Keith Pembleton.
Session 2
Nutrition concurrent session, day 1, looking at topics such as:
- managing N risk in farming systems,
- soil health changes over time
- impact of long term cropping on soil carbon.
Presented by:
- Lindsay Bell (CSIRO),
- Jayne Gentry (QDAF),
- Meghan Barnard (UQ).
Update Papers
- RiskWise N management systems - exploring N banking in the northern region by Lindsay Bell
- Soil health stocktake Queensland by Jayne Gentry
- The impact of long term cropping on the storage and composition of soil organic carbon in Queensland vertosols by Meghan Barnard.
Session 3
'Time for a pea' concurrent session day 1 topics included:
- Ascochyta blight in chickpeas,
- soil water impact on flowering and pod-set in chickpeas,
- pigeon pea performance
- insects in pigeon pea.
Presented by:
- Ido Bar (Griffith University),
- Yash Chauhan (QDAF),
- Bruce Winter (QDAF),
- Trevor Volp (QDAF).
Update Papers
- Current knowledge on pathogenicity of ascochyta rabiei and implications for disease and risk management by Ido Bar
- Effect of soil water on flowering and pod set in chickpea implications for modelling and managing frost and heat stress by Yash Chauhan
- Pigeonpea: a new dryland summer pulse for northern region farming systems by Bruce Winter
- Keeping the insects out of pigeonpea - key pests and strategies by Trevor Volp.
Session 4
Mung bean concurrent session, day 2 topics included:
- mitigating mung bean risk,
- mung bean harvest management,
- powdery mildew in mung bean.
Presented by:
- Kylie Wenham (UQ),
- Jayne Gentry (QDAF),
- Shanice van Haeften (UQ),
- Lisa Kelly (QDAF).
Update Papers
- Mitigating mungbean risk - time of sowing, soil water and management options by Kylie Wenham
- Desiccating mungbeans can we do better by Jayne Gentry
- Management of mungbean powdery mildew by Lisa Kelly.
Session 5
Crop protection concurrent session, day 2 topics included:
- reduced sensitivity to DMI fungicides in barley,
- Rutherglen bug,
- plant growth regulators in barley,
- root-lesion nematodes.
Presented by:
- Noel Knight (USQ),
- Zorica Duric (NSW DPI),
- Hazel Parry (CSIRO),
- Matt Gardner (AMPS Research),
- Jason Sheedy (USQ).
Update Papers
- Incidence of decreased sensitivity to fungicides in barley net blotch in Queensland by Noel Knight
- Rutherglen bug (Nysius vinitor): risk forecasting and management. Climate, weedy pasture, and canola as factors that impact risk in summer grain crops e.g. sorghum by Zorica Duric and Hazel Parry
- How reliable are plant growth regulators (PGRs) in dryland barley by Matt Gardner
- Impact of root lesion nematodes on wheat and mungbean yields and how to interpret tolerance and resistance ratings by Jason Sheedy.
Session 6
General plenary day 2 topics included:
- Fall armyworm management,
- Ag-tech ethics
- Cereal rust and disease update.
Presented by:
- Melina Miles (QDAF),
- Joe Eyre (UQ),
- Elizabeth Read (AIA),
- Steven Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI).
Update Papers
- The ethics of cybersecurity, data use and AI in agriculture by Elizabeth Read
- Cereal disease update for 2024 where do we sit in the north by Steven Simpfendorfer
Erica McKay
02 9482 4930
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