Determining source to sink relationships in canola and identifying exploitable genetic diversity

Request for Tender
Determining source to sink relationships in canola and identifying exploitable genetic diversity

Canola is Australia’s third most valuable crop and is also the most important break crop for Australian wheat production. The physiological framework for crop yield improvement in many crops is generally well established and has been used to direct R&D approaches to improve water-limited yield potential for some time; however, understanding and application varies between crops. In wheat for example, the key drivers are well understood and have been manipulated for yield improvement in different target production environments, whereas canola which is a younger crop in Australia in comparison, the key drivers for WLYP are not so well understood. Through this investment we want to define the canola genetic factors that impact on growth in the critical period and what influences seed number and size in target production zones. For example, an understanding of the role and production of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in the plant and their availability during the critical period for movement to the seed may be of importance to improving the ratio of biomass to seed yield, or harvest index (HI). Whilst determining the genetic factors that impact growth, seed number, size and quality in the critical period it will also be important that there is an understanding of how agronomic practices may impact these traits.

Reference No.
Release Date
Closing Time
Offer Period
Offers will remain open for acceptance by the GRDC for a period of 6 months after the closing time.
Enquiry Deadline
Document Contact and Enquiries

Attention: Sarah Marchioro

Grains Research and Development Corporation


All requests for further information or clarification in relation to this investment should be made in writing (email) prior to Friday 9th of August 2024, 02:00 PM ACT local time

All requests and responses to requests will be published on the GRDC website under Questions and Answers at the bottom of this webpage.

Consortia response

GRDC will not accept Tenders from Consortia.

Tenderers must submit their responses electronically through the Grains Investment Portal at: - Please read this entire page before lodging an application in the Grains Investment Portal

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) is a statutory corporation established under the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989. It is subject to accountability and reporting obligations set out in the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. It is responsible for planning, investing in and overseeing research and development, and delivering improvements in production, sustainability and profitability across the Australian grains industry. Learn more about what GRDC does.




Proposed Budget

Proposed Contract & Term

Conditions for Participation

Minimum Form and Content Requirements

Evaluation Criteria

Lodging a Tender


Questions and Answers