
Spray application manual

Module 10: Weather monitoring for spraying operations

10.6 Weather-monitoring equipment

Published 24 January 2025 | Last updated 20 January 2025

Visual clues for assessing wind speed and direction are important for monitoring weather conditions but they are not a substitute for physically measuring wind speed, wind direction, temperature and humidity at the application site.

Measurements of weather parameters should always be taken using an appropriate instrument, such as a weather meter.

Weather monitoring using a hand held meter

24 January 2025

Weather monitoring using a hand held meter. Another video from GRDC's Spray Application GROWNOTES™ series.

Hand-held weather meters

Visual clues for assessing wind speed and direction are important for monitoring weather conditions but they are not a substitute for physically measuring wind speed, wind direction, temperature and humidity at the application site.

Measurements of weather parameters should always be taken using an appropriate instrument, such as a weather meter.

Agricultural compare chart

Agchart comparison
A range of hand-held weather meters is available. Photo: kestrelmeters. (447.9 KB JPG)

Permanent weather stations on-farm

Permanent weather stations are particularly useful for capturing and recording long- term weather and climate data, which can be used to analyse on-farm trends.

Permanent weather stations at the farm or enterprise are also useful for comparing measurements with forecast data and historical records to evaluate their accuracy and relevance for your site.

Permanent weather stations are particularly useful for capturing and recording long- term weather and climate data, which can be used to analyse on-farm trends.

Permanent weather stations at the farm or enterprise are also useful for comparing measurements with forecast data and historical records to evaluate their accuracy and relevance for your site.

A well set-up and located permanent weather station on-farm

Goanna weather station
Permanent weather stations can collect long-term weather data as well as current conditions, but must be close to the application site for record-keeping purposes. Photo: Goanna Telemetry (2.4 MB JPG)

Locating a permanent weather station

Several factors should be considered when installing a weather station on-farm. Make sure that:

  • the site is representative of the area that you would be using the weather data for (consider factors such as the elevation compared to the rest of your property);

  • the vegetation around the site is consistent with the wider monitoring area;

  • the site is not vulnerable to flooding, fires or lightning strikes;

  • the site is protected from livestock and vermin;

  • the site is in an area of reliable communication (e.g. Ultra high frequency or mobile phone);

  • the site is a suitable distance from structures or obstructions – as a general rule the station should be located a distance at least 10 times the height of the obstruction away from the obstruction (preferably more);

  • the site is level; and

  • the orientation of the station is noted, e.g. aligned with grid north or true north.

Drift Reduction Technology an Introduction

2 March 2017

An introduction to Drift Reduction Technology. Another video from GRDC's Spray Application GROWNOTES™ series.

Portable weather stations

A portable weather station is usually very similar to a permanent station, but instead are usually mounted on a tripod. This means they can be relocated from one paddock to another.

A portable weather station

Campbell sci portable weather station
Portable stations need to be correctly set up at the application site. Photo: (124.4 KB PNG)

Local weather station networks

Several growing areas throughout Australia have set up local networks of permanent weather stations that provide remote access for growers and subscribers via UHF radio, mobile phone or the internet.

The benefit of having access to a local network is the ability to compare wind speed and direction at various sites, which can give an indication of when a change is coming through an area. Networked stations are also useful for comparing historical data for an area with official BoM data to identify possible variations.

Users of weather data obtained from this type of network need to be aware that, depending on where they are located, they may not be regarded as being at the site of application. Hence, the spray operator still needs to measure and record conditions at the application site.

The WAND network (Qld and NSW) and the COtL network (SA) are currently the most geographically extensive networks operating across agricultural production areas of Australia.

These networks provide specific and detailed information on hazardous inversion conditions at the site.

Onboard weather stations

The most useful weather monitoring instrument for spray applicators is one that allows you to measure the weather parameters in real time at the site of application – while you are driving. Weather stations are available that can be mounted on the sprayer that provide live weather data while you are driving the sprayer.

The Airmar onboard weather station

WX agriculture tractor
On-board weather stations can provide live weather data to the operator while the sprayer is moving. (10.5 MB JPG)

Airmar Sprayer

200WX 2015
Photo: Airmar (1010.2 KB JPG)

Some sprayer manufacturers, such as John Deere, are starting to offer these onboard weather stations as options when you order the sprayer, others can be purchased as standalone, portable units that will work on any vehicle.

These systems use an in-built GPS system to determine the sprayer’s position, heading and speed, and ultrasonic sensors to gather the weather data. Using this information, the onboard stations can accurately determine the wind speed and direction, as well as other weather parameters, such as temperature, humidity and DeltaT, while the sprayer is moving. However, without the ability to measure temperature and wind at 10m these systems cannot accurately predict hazardous inversion conditions.

Find out more

For more information about onboard weather stations go to https://www. Catalog/ WeatherStation-Instruments and www.specmeters. com/weather- monitoring/ weather-stations/ sprayer-station/


When mounting an onboard weather station, make sure it is placed in a location where it can get clear airflow, and will not be impacted by obstructions or machinery exhaust emissions.