GRDC Grains Research Update Wagga Wagga
16 Feb 2021
- 17 Feb 2021
Region: North
The GRDC Grains Research Update events are for growers, agronomists, consultants and researchers to discuss the latest research and to network with their peers. In addition to being run as a face to face Update, the two day event has also been livestreamed for online viewing. Use the event resources for further details on speakers and topics.
Events resources
Update papers
Day 1, Session 1: Varieties and subsoil constraints
- Phenology is FUNdamental – applying key project learnings to optimise grain yield
- Amelioration of hostile subsoils via incorporation of organic and inorganic amendments and subsequent changes in soil properties, crop water use and improved yield, in a medium rainfall zone of south-eastern Australia
- On farm financial implications of research into varieties and deep soil amelioration
- Within-paddock variability of subsurface pH in southern NSW – its relationship to surface soil properties (pH, buffering capacity) and implications for decision making
Day 1, Session 2: Canola establishment, rhizobia, Russian wheat aphid and grazing crops
- Optimising canola establishment and performance by phosphorus fertiliser placement
- What difference does rhizobia strain make on grain legume nodulation, nitrogen fixation and grain yield?
- Russian wheat aphid thresholds - Insect density, yield impact and control decision making
- Grazing cattle on dual purpose crops - managing health risks
Day 1, Session 3: Diseases
- Fungicide resistance in cereals – problem pathogens and strategies to deal with them
- Wheat rust developments - new stripe rust pathotypes with implications for wheat (common and durum) and triticale; pathotypes of leaf rust and virulence for resistance gene Lr24
- Cereal pathology update - learnings from 2020, planning for 2021
- Was canola fungicide investment justified in low and medium rainfall environments in 2020?
- Diseases in pulses and canola – the watchouts and implications for 2021
Day 2, Session 1: De-risking nitrogen - the case for change!
- Nitrogen loss pathways. How much N is lost when urea is not mechanically incorporated after application?
- Managing water and N across years and crop sequences to drive profit
- Strategies for long term management of N across farming systems
Day 2, Session 2: Pulses
- Developing pasture-crop rotation systems with hard seeded self-regenerating legume species to fix more N for crops and feed livestock in medium and low rainfall zones
- Profitable pulses in lower rainfall farming systems
Day 2, Session 3: Weeds
- Causes of poor ryegrass results & paraquat & glyphosate resistance - 2020 season
- Seed dormancy and emergence patterns in annual ryegrass populations from cropped fields - why a big flush was expected in 2020 and what is on the cards for 2021 in SNSW
- Fitting new pre-emergent chemistries in the farming system and managing them for longevity
John Cameron or Erica McKay
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