GRDC Grains Research Update Goondiwindi 2018
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Goondiwindi Grains Research Update proceedings booklet (Coming soon)
This page contains update papers presented at the .
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Presented at
Paper presented at the Dubbo, Wee Waa, Breeza, Goondiwindi and Allora GRDC Grains Research Updates 2018 by Kerry McKenzie, DAF Qld on Chickpea agronomy and water use with neutron moisture meters...
Paper presented at the Goondiwindi, Allora GRDC Grains Research Update March 2018 by Lindsay Bell, CSIRO on Farming system impact on nitrogen and water use efficiency, soil-borne disease and profit...
Paper presented at the Dubbo and Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Updates 2018 by Nikki Seymour on Impacts of residual herbicides on soil biological function...
60% of Australian farmers do not know of on-farm connectivity options or who to talk to about getting connected. And connectivity is king....
Paper presented at the Dubbo, Wee Waa and Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Updates 2018 by Felicity Harris, NSW DPI on Understanding drivers of phenology to increase grain yield of wheat...
Paper presented at the Dubbo, Goondiwindi and Allora GRDC Grains Research Updates 2018 by Nikki Seymour, DAF Qld on How much nitrogen is fixed by pulse crops and what factors affect fixation?...
Paper presented by Lisle Snyman at the Dubbo GRDC Update and Greg Platz at the Goondiwindi Update on fungicide resistance in barley...
Paper presented by Lisle Snyman at the Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Update in March 2018 on linking yield loss from cereal foliar diseases with NVT resistance ratings....
Paper presented by Lisle Snyman at Dubbo and Greg Platz at Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Updates on spot form net blotch (SFNB) and the impact of resistance and epidemic severity on yield...
Paper presented by Greg Platz and Lisle Snyman, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, at the Dubbo and Goondwindi GRDC Grains Research Updates 2018...