GRDC Grains Research Update Perth 2020
GRDC Grains Research Update Perth 2020
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Farmers and agronomists make pre-emergent herbicide decisions based on numerous factors including compatibility with their sowing program, control spectrum and price....
To inform growers about the persistence and effectiveness of pre-emergence herbicides in dry-seeding conditions....
• Blackleg crown canker results from infection during early seedling growth. Prior to sowing, use the BlacklegCM decision support tool to identify high risk paddocks and explore management strategies to reduce yield loss....
Trials done in South Australia suggest lime affects the fecundity of round snails (vineyard snail Cernuella virgata and white Italian snail Theba pisana) by increasing the number of eggs laid and subsequent snail survival (M. Nash pers. comm)....
The current focus of this work is to develop a solution that provides real-time, in-field N analysis of fresh plant material to enable growers to make more profitable decisions about fertiliser applications....
In Australia, herbicide resistance has increased in several major weed species such as annual ryegrass and wild radish. Single and multiple resistances have evolved to several modes-of-action in foliar post-emergent herbicides, which has compromised their efficacy....
The aim of this study was to determine the loss in wheat yield due to competition from five new emerging winter weed species in Western Australia. The extent of yield losses due to weeds depends on their density, time of emergence and species....
The key to successful weed management is long-term reduction of the weed-seed bank. However, this requires an understanding of how long the seed bank lasts, which can be influenced by ecotypic differences between weed populations or the environment of the plant producing the seed....
This work aims to create a reliable estimate of percentage nitrogen (%N) in a wheat crop, using sensors and machine learning, to inform an in-crop application of nitrogen (N) fertiliser....
Brome grass and barley grass are ranked as the fourth and ninth most detrimental weeds nationally, with an annual revenue loss of $22.5 and $1.7 million respectively....