Spray application manual
15 March 2025
Published 24 January 2025 | Last updated 20 January 2025
Perfect conditions for spraying are rare, and for those conditions to coincide with the most susceptible growth stage of the target weed or pest is even rarer.
To manage this, the spray applicator needs to be able to change their set-up and operating parameters as required.
Things that the spray operator has direct control over, and therefore the ability to change, include:
the choice of product and formulation type;
nozzles and operating pressure;
spraying speed;
boom height; and
tank mix partners, including adjuvants.
Unfortunately spray operators cannot control the weather conditions, they can only monitor and manage what is presented.
Making use of predictive tools and forecast websites can help the operator to make better plans and better decisions.
A reminder about label instructions
Product labels can include instructions about suitable wind speeds and possible downwind buffers or no-spray zones. This information can be useful for making comparisons about products and equipment set-up, and decisions about how and when to spray.