Spray application manual
15 March 2025
Published 24 January 2025 | Last updated 20 January 2025
Pulse-width modulation
Calibrate flow meter in manual with nozzles operating at full capacity (100 per cent duty cycle).
Ensure density setting is on 1.
Measure the output against the rate-controller flow rate (litres per minute), or disconnect the hose to a single section and accurately measure or weigh the output.
Multi-step sprayers
Use the test speed function and volume (L/hectare) to make the sprayer operate at the desired pressure at the nozzle to check the nozzle outputs.
Adjust test speeds to ensure each step is activated and operated at a known pressure to check nozzle outputs.
Twin-fluid sprayers
Check nozzle flow outputs with the air on as this may affect liquid flow through some nozzles.
Always check the nozzle outputs using the weight of the spray solution, rather than volume, as the spray solution after leaving the nozzle may include a lot of air in it.