
Spray application manual

Module 8: Calibration of the spray system

8.9 Fenceline nozzles (and other banded applications)

Published 24 January 2025 | Last updated 20 January 2025

Calibration of fenceline nozzles is critical to avoiding under or over-dosing. This is true for all nozzles used to apply bands.

The key to calibrating any nozzle applying a band is to know the sprayed width in metres.

Fence line spraying introduction

15 January 2025

Fence line spraying introduction. Another video from GRDC's Spray Application GROWNOTES™ series.

Sprayed width per nozzle

For single nozzles that do not overlap with adjacent nozzles (e.g. fenceline end nozzles or even fan nozzles used for banded applications) use a tape measure to record the width of ground covered at the operating pressure and boom height.

Calibrating fence line nozzles and banded sprayers

15 January 2025

Calibrating fence line nozzles & banded sprayers. Another video from GRDC's Spray Application GROWNOTES™ series.

Fenceline nozzle sprayed width (W) will change if the height of the boom (Y) changes.

Fenceline nozzle spray width
(66.2 KB JPG)

Once the sprayed width per nozzle is known, the same formulas can be applied to calculate the L/ha, regardless of the spraying situation.

Application volume in the treated area (L/ha)

Litres per minute per nozzle x 600 ÷ width (metres) ÷ speed (kilometres per hour)

Rearranging this formula, we can also determine the required nozzle flow rate, width or speed:

  • L/min per nozzle = L/ha ÷ 600 x width (m) x speed (km/h);

  • width (m) = L/min per nozzle x 600L/ha ÷ speed (km/h) ÷ L/ha;

  • speed (km/h) = L/min per nozzle x 600 ÷ L/ha ÷ width (m).

Calibrating and adjusting fenceline nozzles

The use of high-flow fenceline jets, such as XP (TeeJet®) or XT (Hypro), is becoming more popular.

Fenceline nozzles are often not adjusted correctly to ensure that the sprayed width matches the actual flow rate to deliver the same dose as the rest of the boom. These jets have the capacity to throw a significant distance (up to five metres) as well as applying a significant volume of water. 

It is important to check the effect of these nozzles when attached to the end boom section as they can reduce the operating pressure of this boom section. This may result in efficacy reductions near the paddock’s edge when the nozzle is operating.

However, if set up correctly – plumbed as a separate section with the width recorded in the controller – high-flow jets can be valuable to maintain fenceline hygiene.

Steps for calibrating and adjusting high-flow fenceline nozzles.

Step 1: Set the boom to operating height and set the operating pressure.

Set the pressure to represent the actual operating parameters – remember that operators will often drive more slowly along fencelines to avoid damage. One way of achieving this is to enter a test speed and application rate into the rate controller to simulate field conditions.

Step 2: Use a calibrated testing gauge on the end section.

Turn the end jet on and check for a pressure drop in the end boom section. Test the pressure at the fenceline jet and record this pressure.

Step 3: Catch and weigh the volume per minute (L/min) delivered from the end jet.

Step 4: Determine the required sprayed width to match your intended application rate using the following formula.

Width (m) = L/min per nozzle x 600L/ha ÷ speed (km/h) ÷ L/ha

Worked example:

Using an XP 10R nozzle at 3 bar pressure the nozzle output was measured at 3.95 litres per minute.

Nozzle height was set at 70 centimetres. Spraying speed is 18 kilometres per hour.

The target application rate to match the rest of the boom is 90L/hectare.

Using the formula:

Width (m) = litres per minute per nozzle x 600 L/ha ÷ speed (km/h) ÷ L/ha

Width (m) = 3.95L per minute x 600 ÷ 18 km/h ÷ 90 L/ha = 1.46 metres

Step 5: Adjust the angle or orientation of the nozzle to achieve the required sprayed width at the target weed height.

Alternative method to calculation

Where the nozzle height and flow rate match the manufacturers charts, they may be used to work out the applied rate.

L/ha for a single nozzle at various speeds

TeeJet nozzle guide
Source: TeeJet (836.9 KB JPG)