GRDC Grains Research Update Goondiwindi 2017
GRDC Grains Research Update Goondiwindi 2017

Goondiwindi Grains Research Update proceedings booklet (7 Mb PDF)
Thursday 7th March 2017
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
General plenary session day 1
- Minimising risk of disease in 2017 chickpea crops (Kevin Moore, NSW DPI)
- Chickpea Ascochyta – Further evidence that varieties differ in reaction of pods (Kevin Moore, NSW DPI)
- Disease risk prediction for Phytophthora root rot of chickpeas: inoculum detection problems (Sean Bithell, NSW DPI)
- Spray application tips and tactics (Bill Gordon, Nufarm)
Cereal agronomy concurrent session
- Agronomic drivers of yield in rain-fed wheat - environment, management, variety and disease (Rick Graham, NSW DPI)
- A simple visual lodging risk guide to assist with decision making on Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) (Nick Poole, FAR Australia)
- Plant growth regulators in barley 2015 and 2016 (Richard Daniel, NGA)
Nutrition concurrent session
- Nitrogen management in wheat 2016 – method, timing and variety (Richard Daniel, NGA)
- A summary of the economics of deep P nutrition trials in the northern grains region: where have current trials provided economic benefits? (James Hagan, DAF Qld)
“A bit of everything” concurrent session
- Groundcover and stubble type impact on fallow efficiency (Brendan Burton, NGA)
- Maize agronomy: managing climate risk in rainfed maize with multi cobbing hybrids (Daniel Rodriguez, QAAFI)
- Insect pest management research update 2017 (Melina Miles, DAF Qld)
- Russian wheat aphid – what do we know? (Ken Young, GRDC)
Disease concurrent session
- Barley disease yield loss response curves How much yield is lost in varieties with different levels of genetic resistance under different disease pressures? (Greg Platz, DAF Qld)
- Yellow leaf spot trials and the economics of spraying (Lislé Snyman, Greg Platz, Clayton Forknall, DAF Qld)
- Yellow spot of wheat: epidemiology studies and how they have helped us understand what we observe in the paddock (Jean Galloway, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia)
- Low levels of Fusarium head blight in 2016 – where did it come from and what does it mean? (Steven Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI)
- Evaluation of fungicide management strategies to control spot-form of net blotch in barley (Steven Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI) and Maurie Street (GOA)
- Seed treatments – Systiva® performance in northern trials (Greg Platz, Lislé Snyman, Ryan Fowler, DAF Qld)
- Leaf rust in Compass(Lislé Snyman, Clayton Forknall and Greg Platz, DAF Qld)
- Increased levels of net form of net blotch in Commander and Shepherd (Ryan Fowler and Greg Platz, DAF Qld)
- Loose smut in 2016 (Greg Platz, Lislé Snyman and Ryan Fowler, DAF Qld)
- Scald and other wet season diseases - what did we learn in 2016? (Greg Platz, Lislé Snyman & Ryan Fowler, DAF Qld)
Weeds concurrent session
- Managing weeds in fencelines (Christopher Preston, Adelaide University)
- Wild oats: the challenge of managing this weed in the northern region cropping (Michael Walsh, Sydney University)
- New developments and understanding in resistance mechanisms and management (Christopher Preston, Adelaide University)
Canola, organic matter and faba bean concurrent session
- Managing canola diseases – blackleg and sclerotinia (Kurt Lindbeck , NSW DPI)
- Canola agronomy and fit in northern farming systems (Jeremy Whish, CSIRO)
- Faba bean disease management update (Joop van Leur, NSW DPI)
- Soil organic matter – maximising biomass is the key (Jayne Gentry, DAF Qld)
General plenary session day 2
- Can we refine planting dates further? (Matt Gardner, AMPS)
- New fungicides and disease management strategies for wheat and barley (Nick Poole, FAR Australia)
- Fungicide resistance in grain crops ‐ what’s happening and how should we respond? (Fran Lopez, Curtin University CCDM)