GRDC Grains Research Update Dubbo 2018
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Presented at
Diversify your crop sequence: add legumes to rotation with double break to reduce N fertiliser requirements, reduce annual ryegrass (ARG) weed seedbank and be more profitable....
Paper presented at the Dubbo GRDC Grains Research Update 2018 by Mark Peoples (CSIRO Agriculture and Food) on Rules-of-thumb for calculating additional soil N availability and wheat N uptake...
Presented at the Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Update by Cam Nicholson on Agronomists as drivers of practice change...
Paper presented at the Dubbo GRDC Grains Research Update 2018 by Cam Nicholson, Nicon Rural Services on Managing risk in mixed livestock and cropping systems...
Paper presented at the Dubbo and Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Updates 2918 by John Broster, CSU on How widespread are different types of resistance in central NSW – new survey data....
Paper presented at the Dubbo GRDC Grains Research Update 2018 by John Broster, CSU on New data on the integrated Harrington seed destructor...
Paper presented at the Dubbo, Goondiwindi and Allora GRDC Grains Research Update 2018 by Peter Hayman, SARDI Climate Applications on Spring frost damage in northern GRDC region in 2017...
Paper presented at the Dubbo GRDC Grains Research Update 2018 by Fernanda Dreccer (CSIRO) on At what stages are wheat, barley, canola, chickpea and field pea most sensitive to temperature and water s...
Featured in the proceedings at the Dubbo and Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Updates on ExtensionAUS™: answers at your fingertips...
Paper presented at the Goondiwindi GRDC Grains Research Update 2018 by Steven Simpfendorfer on PREDICTA®B update and new tests for 2018...