
Spray application manual

Module 13: Rate-controller functions and settings

13.1: Introduction: the primary function of a rate controller

Published 24 January 2025 | Last updated 20 January 2025

A rate controller will take input signals and regulate the sprayer output to match the programmed settings and application rate (litres per hectare).

The rate controller uses four pieces of information to ensure a constant application rate:

  • the user enters the width of the boom (metres) and the desired water application rate in litres per hectare (L/ha); and

  • the sprayer provides travel speed information (kilometres per hour, collected from a GPS signal or a radar or wheel-based speedometer) and liquid flow rate (L/minute, collected from a flow meter on the main sprayer pressure line).

If the rate controller is not functioning correctly it will usually be related to a problem with one of the input values, a setting that has been entered into the controller or something affecting the output.

The following sections of this module highlight some of the common functions and settings available in most rate controllers, along with factors that may impact on the controller’s ability to perform as intended.

Rate controller function - grower experience

2 March 2017

A grower's experience using a spray rig's automatic rate controller functions. Another video from GRDC's Spray Application GROWNOTES™ series.