
Spray application manual

Module 11: Pumps, plumbing and components

Module 11: Pumps, plumbing and components

Module 11 explains how pumps, plumbing and components work together.

Key points

  • The correct plumbing will allow all of the components in the spray system to operate as they are intended

  • Careful consideration must be given to the selection of the pump, plumbing, valves and other components so they match all of the spray applications the operator plans to make

  • Before the purchase or installation of new components, the operator should consider the range of flow rates likely to occur through each component

  • The operator should consider how they will access, maintain and calibrate all of the components on the sprayer

  • It is important to consider how various components of the spray system, such as the main tank, can be isolated from the rest of the spray system to provide safe access for maintenance and inspections.

Acronyms used in this module

DIN = Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN), the organisation for German national standards

ID = inside dimension

ISO = International Organization for Standardization OD = outside dimension

PTO = power take-off

RHS = rectangular hollow section RPM = revolutions per minute