GRDC Grains Research Update Dalby
02 Mar 2021
Region: North
In 2021, to better manage risks associated with COVID-19, the 2-day GRDC Grains Research Update at Goondiwindi has been split into two one-day events at Dalby (2 March) and Narrabri (4 March). The northern region Grains Research Updates are workshops to provide grain growers and/or their advisers with the latest research outcomes relevant to their region and business.
Use the event resources for further details on speakers, topics and session times.
Event resources
Update Papers
- Cereal pathology update – learnings from 2020, planning for 2021 – Lisle Snyman
- Satellites and other useful tools that are ready for immediate benefit for on-farm decision making – Tim Neale
- ConstraintID – a free web-based tool to identify areas where soil constraints are most likely to be limiting crop yields – Yash Dang
- Amelioration for sodicity - deep ripping and soil amendment addition across NSW and Qld – Stirling Robertson
- Identification of crop-specific and varietal tolerance limits to acidity, salinity and sodicity – Jack Christopher
- Optimising chickpea sowing and flowering dates for maximum yield – Allan Peake
- Phenology is FUNdamental – applying key project learnings to optimise grain yield – Felicity Harris
- Fall armyworm update – Melina Miles
- Herbicide resistance survey results summer annual weed species: fleabane, feathertop Rhodes grass, barnyard grass, sowthistle, windmill grass – Michael Widderick
- Herbicide resistance and optimising glyphosate – Peter Boutsalis
- Persistence and retention of weed seeds in the northern grain region of Australia: implications for management – Baghirath Chauhan
Erica McKay
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