GRDC Grains Research Update Narrabri
04 Mar 2021
Region: North
In 2021, to better manage risks associated with COVID-19, the 2-day GRDC Grains Research Update at Goondiwindi has been split into two one-day events at Dalby (2 March) and Narrabri (4 March). The northern region Grains Research Updates are workshops to provide grain growers and/or their advisers with the latest research outcomes relevant to their region and business.
Use the event resources for further details on speakers, topics and session times.
Event resources
Update Papers
- Wheat 2030 - opportunities in a volatile world
- Phenology is FUNdamental – applying key project learnings to optimise grain ield
- Response of wild oats to environmental stresses
- Glyphosate and new cases of resistance - Narrabri
- Chickpea yield gaps – how much yield potential could we be losing in a dry season, and why?
- Viral diseases in faba bean, chickpeas, lentil and lupins. Impacts, vectors/causes and management strategies for 2021
- The economics of managing Ascochyta in chickpea when disease occurs at different growth stages and implications for spray timing
- CBA Captain: a new desi variety for the northern region
- How wide is the distribution of RWA in northern NSW and is sorghum an alternative summer host?
- How heat tolerant are our current wheat varieties?
- NSW cereal diagnostics and enquiries – the 2020 winner is.....?
Erica McKay
02 9482 4930
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