Lupin Southern Region - GrowNotes™

Published: 1 Mar 2017

Lupin is a winter crop, grown in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. Production in the southern cropping region is focused on narrow leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), also known as Australian sweet lupin, and albus lupin (L. albus), or white lupin.

Narrow leafed lupin suits acidic, sandy or low fertility soils whereas albus lupin is best suited to fertile, well-drained and heavier soils. Narrow leafed lupin has major advantages as a rotational break crop in cereal cropping systems, including contributing to nitrogen (N) fixation, offering a quality stock feed product option and having potential for sale into existing high-value export markets.

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Region: South

ISBN: 978-1-921779-29-9 (print)