Field Pea Southern Region - GrowNotes™

Published: 1 Nov 2017

There are five field pea types, based on seed coat or kernel colour, size and shape. Most (70–90%) field pea grown in Australia is for human consumption. Field pea has a role in whole farming systems and crop rotations, as a cash crop, in weed control, in soil nitrogen fixation and for a disease break.

Key points

  • There are five field pea types, based on seed coat or kernel colour, size and shape.
  • Most (70–90%) field pea grown in Australia is for human consumption.
  • More than 90% of Australian field pea grown are dun type, with 85% of these now a ‘Kaspa’ type.
  • Two types of plant growth habit: conventional trailing types and semileafless types with thicker stems and leaves modified into tendrils to produce better standing ability.
  • Field pea has a role in whole farming systems and crop rotations, as a cash crop, in weed control, in soil nitrogen fixation and for a disease break.

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    Region: South