GRDC Grains Research Update Goondiwindi 2016
GRDC Grains Research Update Goondiwindi 2016

Goondiwindi 2016 proceedings booklet
General Plenary Day 1
- Characterising soils for plant available water capacity - methods, tools, accuracy & drivers of fallow efficiency - Brett Cocks & Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- Drivers of fallow efficiency: Effect of soil properties and rainfall patterns on evaporation and the effectiveness of stubble cover - Kirsten Verburg & Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- Methods and tools to characterise soils for plant available water capacity (Goondiwindi) - Kirsten Verburg, Brett Cocks, Tony Webster and Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- Driving the new soil water app - David Freebairn
- Improving fallow efficiency - David Freebairn
- Commonly asked questions about soil water and soil management - Graeme Wockner & David Freebairn
- Field ready frost research - Tim March (University of Adelaide)
- NGA - key outcomes & engagement - Richard Daniel (NGA)
Disease concurrent session
- Barley disease update - Greg Platz & Lisle Snyman (DAF Qld)Barley leaf rust 2016 – what lies ahead? Lisle Snyman & Clayton Forknall (DAF Qld)
- Chickpea disease update - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Chickpeas: What we learnt in 2015 and recommendations for 2016 - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Is chickpea on chickpea worth it? - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Chickpea Ascochyta: latest research on variability and implications for management - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Effect of chickpea ascochyta on yield of current varieties and advanced breeding lines – the 2015 Tamworth trial VMP15 - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- A new DNA tool to determine risk of chickpea Phytophthora root rot - Sean Bithell & Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Phytophthora in chickpea varieties HER15 trial –resistance and yield loss - Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- Managing wheat residue in wide & narrow row chickpeas - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Integrated management of crown rot in a chickpea – wheat sequence - Andrew Verrell (NSW DPI)
- Rust & crown-rot - what’s new & what it means for management - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Crown rot – does cereal crop or variety choice matter? - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Do seed treatments have a place with crown rot - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Wheat rust in 2015 – where are we heading? - Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
Weeds & Herbicides concurrent session
- The impact of herbicides on soil biology: A multi-state & multi-year study & literature review - Lukas Van Zwieten (NSW DPI)
- Sowthistle - glyphosate resistance survey, resistance testing options, costs & management options - Annie Van der Meulen (DAF Qld)
- Feathertop Rhodes grass management – can winter crop herbicide choice make a difference? - Richard Daniel (NGA)
- The genetics of glyphosate resistance - mechanisms & levels in key northern weeds - James Hereward (UQ)
Nutrition & barley fungicides concurrent session
- pH effects on P availability in alkaline soils - Karl Andersson (UNE)
- Varietal variation in northern wheat & barley responses to nutrients - Chris Guppy (UNE)
- Phosphorous & potassium nutrition - Mike Bell (QAAFI) & David Lester (DAF Qld)
- New & emerging disease management options in barley - Nick Poole (FAR)
General Plenary Day 2
- Weeds & crop stubble as pathogen hosts. A PhD presentation - Sue Thompson (USQ)
- Improvements in biomass partitioning & transpiration efficiency in wheat. A PhD presentation - Andrew Fletcher (UQ)
- Understanding & managing N loss pathways - Mike Bell (QAAFI) & Graham Schwenke (NSW DPI)
- Applying N months ahead of sowing - Richard Daniel (NGA)
- Developments in microwave technology to clean up fallow weed escapes - Graham Brodie (Univ. Melb.)
On-farm research workshop
- On-farm research workshop - Alison Kelly (DAF Qld) (No paper)
Cereals & Varieties concurrent session
- Durum agronomy & variety update - Loretta Serafin (NSW DPI)
- Wheat varietal tolerance to heat stress in northern region varieties - scope for improvement & implications for varietal selection - Rebecca Thistlethwaite (University of Sydney PBI)
- The effect of sowing date, variety choice and N application timing on lodging risk and yield of irrigated wheat - Allan Peake (CSIRO)
Nematodes & soil health concurrent session
- Managing grain crops in nematode-infested fields to minimise loss/optimise profit - Brendan Burton (NGA), Kirsty Owen (USQ) & Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- Impact from Pratylenchus thornei, Macalister 2015 - Brendan Burton & Linda Bailey (NGA) and Kedar Adhikari (Sydney University, Narrabri)
- Managing grain crops in nematode infested fields to minimise loss and optimise profit - Kirsty Owen (DAF Qld)
- How long does it take to reduce Pratylenchus thornei (Root lesion nematode) population in the soil? - Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- Biological suppression of root lesion nematode & encouraging soil biology - Nikki Seymour (DAF Qld)
- Soil health, biology, diseases & sustainable agriculture - Graham Stirling (Biological Crop Protection)
Bits concurrent session
- Tactical agronomy of safflower & linseed - rotations, yield, time of sowing, row spacing, plant growth & marketing - Kathi Hertel (NSW DPI)
- Pushing pulse crop yield - Kerry McKenzie & Bec Raymond (DAF Qld)
- Faba bean agronomy: Ideal row spacing and time of sowing - Bec Raymond (DAF Qld)
- Nutrition in chickpea 2015 (northern NSW pulse agronomy project) - Andrew Verrell & Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Faba bean density experiments 2015 (Northern Winter Pulse Agronomy) - Andrew Verrell & Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Effect of seed size at sowing on grain yield of PBA Nasma faba bean - Andrew Verrell & Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- Aphids, scarabs & new research on insect pests - Melina Miles (DAF Qld)
Soil water workshop concurrent session
- Profit from better soil water decisions - Simon Fritsch (AgriPath)