
Spray application manual

Module 11: Pumps, plumbing and components

11.10: Nozzle bodies and mounting

Published 24 January 2025 | Last updated 20 January 2025

There are two common ways that nozzle bodies can be mounted: as a dry boom mount or a wet boom mount.

Wet boom nozzle bodies are clamped onto a tube (the spray line) and dry boom bodies are connected by hose.

Plumbing matching nozzle spacing boom recirculation

7 January 2025

Plumbing - matching nozzle spacing, boom recirculation & single nozzle section control. Another video from GRDC's Spray Application GROWNOTES™ series.

A wet boom nozzle body

Wet boom nozzle bodies are clamped over holes in the boom line. Always check the required hole size for the brand and model selected. Photo: TeeJet. (38.0 KB JPG)

Wet boom plumbing

Wet boom mounting tends to be the preferred way of mounting nozzle bodies on modern sprayers, as this provides for fewer restrictions in the spray line and spray lines are generally easier to decontaminate than with dry boom fittings. 

When mounting a wet boom nozzle body to a tube make sure that both the OD of the tube and ID of the nozzle body clamp are accurately measured.

Stauff clamps can be used to make the mounting of stainless tube easier and neater.  Wet boom nozzle bodies can be supplied to match metric and imperial OD tube. Always check the size of the hole that is required in the tube to match the nipple in the wet boom nozzle body (e.g. 10 or 7 millimeters).

Hardi wet boom stainless-steel plumbing

Wet boom plumbing reduces the opportunity for residues to build up in the spray lines. Photo: Graham Betts. (3.2 MB JPG)

Dry boom plumbing

Dry boom nozzle bodies can be mounted onto round pipe or RHS steel, using nozzle body clamps (see examples below).

A dry boom nozzle body

Choose dry boom nozzle bodies with the largest hose barbs available. Photo: TeeJet. (399.8 KB JPG)

Always select dry boom nozzle bodies with the largest hose barbs available.

When connecting the dry boom nozzle bodies with a hose, always select an appropriate hose type that is rated for use with agricultural chemicals.

Dry boom plumbing

Dry boom plumbing introduces more restrictions to flow and places where product may become trapped in the spray lines. Photo: Graham Betts. (35.0 KB JPG)

Dry boom clamps

Examples of dry boom clamps to hold nozzle bodies. Source: TeeJet® Technologies Catalog 51-M (58.2 KB JPG)


  • Try to avoid dry boom plumbing sections that are too long for the hose diameter, as pressure drops will occur across the boom. Consult a table that shows the pressure drop through various lengths of hose of different diameters, such as in the TeeJet ® Catalogue 51A-M

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