Pre-breeding investments
Through our investment, scientists working in ‘pre-breeding’ are assisting plant breeders in delivering crops that can better deal with variable farming environments and changing agronomic practices.
Pre-breeding research is diverse and seeks to:
- develop ‘smarter’, better-adapted, more yield-stable germplasm with the potential to increase yields
- improve grain quality
- reduce risks for grain growers – such as drought, heat, frost and disease.
Innovative and targeted pre-breeding research is a significant focus for us, and currently, we have more than 100 pre-breeding investments across our portfolio of crops.
Investment list
Results found: 0-
GRDC code: UOA2402-015RTX
Pre-breeding[OSRC] Program 1 - Accelerating transfer of oat septoria resistant sources to Australian oat breeders
Pre-breedingTo capitalise on growth opportunities in oats, it is important to increase Australia's oat production capacity and stability. Reducing grain yield losses to disease is an important mechanism by which growers can increase production. Septoria leaf blotch (SLB), causal agent Parastagonospora av...
Project start date: 14/05/2024 - Project end date: 30/04/2029
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Judith Atieno
- Project status:
GRDC code: CUR2402-002RTX
Pre-breeding[OSRC] Program 3 - Neutralising oat sensitivity loci corresponding to targets of oat septoria fungal effectors
Pre-breedingTo capitalise on growth opportunities in oats, it is important to increase Australia's oat production capacity and stability. Reducing grain yield losses to disease is an important mechanism by which growers can increase production. Septoria avenae blotch (SAB) is a stubble-borne fungal disea...
Project start date: 01/05/2024 - Project end date: 01/05/2028
- Organisation:
- Curtin University
- Contact:
- Huyen Phan
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2405-015RTX
Pre-breeding[NBC] Program 2 - Resistance sources: Using 'Fast-Stack' to develop effective durable net blotch resistance gene stacks.
Pre-breedingThis project is Program 2 of five programs under the barley Net Blotch Consortium (NBC). The project will look to continue and build on activities, knowledge, resources, and expertise developed as part of the UOQ2005-012RTX, with a goal of delivering a comprehensive one-stop online knowledge-base...
Project start date: 01/05/2024 - Project end date: 31/05/2028
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Eric Dinglasan
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2404-019RTX
Pre-breedingExpediting the delivery to industry of a novel method of eliminating Late Maturity alpha-amylase in wheat
Pre-breedingWheat growers face quality and pricing challenges due to Late Maturity -Amylase (LMA) and Pre-harvest Sprouting (PHS), caused by the enzyme Wheat alpha-amylase type one (TaAMY1). This enzyme's stochastic accumulation during grain development can diminish flour baking qualities and lower the F...
Project start date: 15/04/2024 - Project end date: 31/07/2028
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Jean-Philippe Ral
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU2404-003RTX
Pre-breedingIncreasing wheat nitrogen use efficiency through improved genetics
Pre-breedingNitrogenous fertilizers are vital to agriculture. However, wheat crop uses less than 40% of applied nitrogen and only 33% is recovered in the grain. Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) will maximise wheat yield and grain protein and thereby profitability to wheat growers. Our previous researc...
Project start date: 01/04/2024 - Project end date: 31/03/2029
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Rajeev Varshney
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU2403-009RTX
Pre-breedingAchieving improved genetic gain for yield in chickpea, faba bean and lentil using genetic diversity
Pre-breedingThe low profitability of some pulse production in Australia can be addressed by enhancing crop productivity, in addition to creating markets. Chickpea, lentil and faba bean production encounter challenges due to limited genetic diversity, resulting in meagre yield improvements of less than 0.5 pe...
Project start date: 15/03/2024 - Project end date: 19/03/2029
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Rajeev Varshney
- Project status:
GRDC code: IGP2401-001RTX
Pre-breeding[OGQC] - Program 2: Discovery of desirable aroma and flavour compounds for oat food/beverage applications.
Pre-breedingOats (Avena sativa L.) offer unique nutritional benefits over other grains which is driving an increased demand in human consumption. This means significant growth forecasts for both domestic and international demands for Australia's high-quality oats and their use in healthy and nutritious ...
Project start date: 15/01/2024 - Project end date: 28/04/2028
- Organisation:
- InterGrain Pty Ltd
- Contact:
- Haelee Fenton
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2401-011RSX
Pre-breedingGRS 2024 (Madhav Pandit) - Harnessing novel haplotypes for barley leaf rust resistance: a genomic approach to sustainable crop protection
Pre-breedingLeaf rust epidemics pose a significant threat to Australian barley production and there is a need to accelerate innovative control methods and minimise our reliance on conventional crop protection that typically comes with high economic and environmental cost. The deployment of durable genetic re...
Project start date: 01/01/2024 - Project end date: 31/03/2027
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Samir Alahmad
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2401-006RTX
Pre-breeding[OGQC] - Program 3: Modulating grain oil content of oats to improve suitability for milling and food/beverage ingredient development.
Pre-breedingOat is presently priced through feed market mechanisms, however, for the first time, international demand for human consumption has surpassed feed demand. Oat is a highly commoditised grain within a relatively small industry with little diversification in end use, and hence under-developed quali...
Project start date: 01/01/2024 - Project end date: 31/03/2029
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Janine Croser
- Project status:
GRDC code: TRA2309-001SAX
Pre-breedingTraitomic - mutant population acquisition
Pre-breedingBackgroundAccess to sources of genetic diversity for target traits is a core element of successful plant breeding programs. Sources of genetic diversity can be both natural and created. Natural diversity exists in the form of new genes and alternative alleles for target traits in either the culti...
Project start date: 02/11/2023 - Project end date: 31/12/2033
- Organisation:
- Traitomic
- Contact:
- Jan Gottlieb
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2310-007RTX
Pre-breedingDeveloping new genetic approaches to decreasing the reproductive frost sensitivity of wheat
Pre-breedingTitle: Developing new genetic approaches to decreasing the reproductive frost sensitivity of wheatThis project aims to identify genes or genetic regions associated with decreased frost sensitivity in wheat varieties and provide markers for breeders to select germplasm with increased frost toleran...
Project start date: 02/10/2023 - Project end date: 30/09/2028
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Chris Helliwell
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2310-008RTX
Pre-breedingDeveloping metabolite and lipid biomarkers to select for reduced frost sensitivity in wheat
Pre-breedingFrost events near flowering significantly reduce wheat yields across the Australian cropping belt. Previous research, with limited germplasm, hinted at specific plant tissue composition-metabolites and lipids-as potential contributors to underlying differences in frost susceptibility. This projec...
Project start date: 04/09/2023 - Project end date: 31/12/2027
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Fernanda Dreccer
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2308-003RTX
Pre-breeding[NBC] Program 1 - Monitoring and screening: Monitoring of Net Blotch populations for new virulences of industry significance
Pre-breedingNet Form of Net Blotch (NFNB; Pyrenophora teres f. teres) and Spot Form of Net Blotch (SFNB; Pyrenophora teres f. maculata) have a high capacity to adapt to host resistance genes. Therefore, new strains can emerge that can quickly become a significant industry problem. Continued national monitori...
Project start date: 28/08/2023 - Project end date: 27/08/2027
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Tara Garrard
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2306-002RTX
Pre-breeding[NBC] Program 4 - In-field high throughput phenotyping of Net Blotch in barley
Pre-breedingThe most damaging pathogen to barley production in Australia is Net Blotch. Efforts to improve genetic resistance or develop fungicide controls for Net Blotch are critical to a productive future for Australian barley growers. However, successful pre-breeding and breeding programs designed to im...
Project start date: 25/08/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2026
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Bettina Berger
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2307-003RTX
Pre-breedingDetermining the effect of wheat morphological and anatomical traits on frost susceptibility of wheat
Pre-breedingIn Australian cropping environments, frosts represent a major and increasingly regular constraint to wheat yields and enduring grower profitability. The most damaging frosts are those that occur in spring when cereals are close to, or at flowering. Modelling studies suggest reductions of as littl...
Project start date: 30/07/2023 - Project end date: 20/12/2026
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Greg Rebetzke
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2307-002RTX
Pre-breedingAccelerating development and deployment of long-hypocotyl canola to improve establishment
Pre-breedingCanola is Australia's most important oilseed crop with more than 8 million tonnes produced in 2022 and valued at $6 billion. However, canola suffers from unreliable establishment across our major growing regions, which reduces yield potential, increases weed problems and in extreme cases requ...
Project start date: 10/07/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2028
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Matthew Nelson
- Project status:
GRDC code: ULA2307-001RTX
Pre-breeding[NBC] Program 3 - Micro-phenotyping: Digital phenotyping for enhanced disease resistance outcomes
Pre-breedingFoliar diseases have a significant impact on Australian barley production, with the most damaging pathogen being Net Blotch. Net blotch is caused by the necrotrophic fungus Pyrenophora teres, with two different forms recognised: Net Form of Net Blotch (NFNB) and Spot Form of Net Blotch (SFNB). Th...
Project start date: 01/07/2023 - Project end date: 30/09/2028
- Organisation:
- La Trobe University
- Contact:
- Peter Dracatos
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2306-012RTX
Pre-breedingBetter Sorghum through Gene Editing: larger grain with higher and more digestible protein (POC)
Pre-breedingFeed grains are utilised primarily as a source of energy, with most of the energy derived from the starch, and the grain protein characteristics usually of only secondary importance. The required protein in feed formulations usually is provided through supplementation from crops such as imported ...
Project start date: 01/06/2023 - Project end date: 31/01/2025
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Ian Godwin
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU2306-008RSX
Pre-breedingGRS (Chunsheng Xiao) The molecular mechanism regulating quinolizidine alkaloid content in vegetative tissues and seeds of narrow-leafed lupin (WAARC)
Pre-breedingThis GRDC investment supports PhD candidate Chunsheng Xiao who is completing her PhD at Murdoch University in lupin alkaloids supported by a GRDC Grains Research Scholarship (GRS). Chunsheng is characterising molecular mechanisms regulating alkaloid content in narrow-leafed lupin, aiming to unrav...
Project start date: 01/06/2023 - Project end date: 27/03/2026
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Chengdao Li
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2306-010RTX
Pre-breedingExpanding the capacity and capability of the OzBarley G2P Platform and accelerating its adoption
Pre-breedingBarley breeders face a constant challenge in developing new varieties that meet growing market needs and productivity requirements in a constantly changing environment. Modern cereal breeding for crop improvement, relies on a combination of genotypic and phenotypic data to identify important ge...
Project start date: 01/06/2023 - Project end date: 15/04/2026
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Bettina Berger
- Project status:
GRDC code: UWA2307-002RTX
Pre-breedingImproving major gene and quantitative (minor) resistance to blackleg disease of canola
Pre-breedingGRDC and UWA are partnering in a $7.06 million project over 5 years through the deployment of genetic resistance strategies in canola. Canola is Australia's third largest grain crop, however blackleg disease is a major threat to production in Australia and can cause between 10-30% yield loss...
Project start date: 01/06/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2028
- Organisation:
- University of Western Australia
- Contact:
- Jacqueline Batley
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2305-013RSX
Pre-breedingGRS (Caitlin Dudley) - Investigating the molecular and physiological basis of flowering behaviour in mungbean
Pre-breedingThis GRDC investment supports PhD candidate Caitlin Dudley who is completing her PhD at the University of Queensland in mungbean supported by a GRDC Research Scholarship (GRS). Through her research project Caitlin aims to enhance understanding of the flowering pathway in mungbean, an economically...
Project start date: 30/05/2023 - Project end date: 31/12/2025
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Millicent Smith
- Project status:
GRDC code: IGP2305-002RTX
Pre-breeding[OGQC] Program 1: Accelerating the development of an accurate and cost effective high-throughput measurement method for key oat quality characteristics.
Pre-breedingOat (Avena sativa L.) is one of the world's most important cereal crops providing a crucial source of essential nutrients for both humans and animals. Oats are a valuable source of -glucan, known to promote heart health, protein and oil.This project provides pre-breeders, breeders, researcher...
Project start date: 01/05/2023 - Project end date: 30/06/2028
- Organisation:
- InterGrain Pty Ltd
- Contact:
- Aanandini Ganesalingam
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2304-010RTX
Pre-breedingACRCP Phase 5: Optimising genetic control of wheat rusts through identification of gene editing targets for broad spectrum wheat rust control
Pre-breedingPlant diseases are a significant production constraint to all agricultural crops, including wheat where rust diseases remain a major threat. Rust disease resistance in wheat regularly breaks down due to the evolution of new virulent wheat rust races. New sources of rust disease resistance genes a...
Project start date: 03/04/2023 - Project end date: 31/05/2026
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Michael Ayliffe
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAQ2304-008RTX
Pre-breeding[NBC] Program 5 - Integrated management strategies for Net Form Net Blotch in low, medium, and high rainfall zones.
Pre-breedingNet form net blotch (NFNB) is an important foliar fungal disease of barley that decreases grower profitability by impacting yield and quality. Yield losses in susceptible varieties can range from 18-31%. Generally, less prevalent than Spot form net blotch (SFNB) over the last decade, NFNB is bec...
Project start date: 03/04/2023 - Project end date: 30/05/2027
- Organisation:
- Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
- Contact:
- Lisle Snyman
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU2302-007RSX
Pre-breedingGRS (Brittany Robertson) Reducing stomatal density in barley to improve drought tolerance
Pre-breedingThis GRDC investment supports PhD candidate Brittany Robertson who is completing her PhD at Murdoch University in plant genetics via a GRDC Research Scholarship (GRS). Brittany is researching the characteristics of plant stomata (tiny pores on the surfaces of plant leaves) to improve barley droug...
Project start date: 28/02/2023 - Project end date: 31/12/2025
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Chengdao Li
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2208-001RTX
Pre-breedingIncreasing cereal yield potential through reduced floret abortion
Pre-breedingThe number of grains produced by a cereal contributes significantly to yield. Grain number is determined largely by the number of fertile florets that form on an inflorescence. In wheat, florets develop in spikelets, which each produce 8-10 floret primordia. However, many primordia abort during d...
Project start date: 15/08/2022 - Project end date: 28/02/2027
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Scott Boden
- Project status:
GRDC code: DJP2206-009OPX
Pre-breedingAustralian Grains Genebank Strategic Partnership 2022-2027
Pre-breedingThe Australian Grains Genebank (AGG) Strategic Partnership has been established between GRDC and Agriculture Victoria (AV) within the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR).Administration of the Partnership and delivery on the research and innovation objectives is led by Agriculture Vic...
Project start date: 15/06/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2027
- Organisation:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Contact:
- Matthew Hayden
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAW2205-004RTX
Pre-breedingAccelerating the development of chickpea with enhanced acid soil tolerance
Pre-breedingThis project involving a collaboration between Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Murdoch University and Agriculture Victoria aims to initiate and lay the foundation of research and breeding for acid soil tolerance in chickpea. Under this one-year...
Project start date: 16/05/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Contact:
- Darshan Sharma
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAW2205-005RTX
Pre-breedingImproved field phenotyping, validation and development of chilling tolerance in chickpea
Pre-breedingThis project involving a collaboration between Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and CSIRO aims to initiate and lay the foundation of research and breeding for chilling tolerance in chickpea. Under this one-year initiation phase, the project team ...
Project start date: 16/05/2022 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Contact:
- Darshan Sharma
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2204-007RTX
Pre-breedingDurable resistance to Oat crown rust
Pre-breedingCrown rust or leaf rust, caused by Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, is a significant oat foliar disease. Breeding for durable rust resistant oat cultivars is challenging due to rapid changes in the pathogen population. Through leveraging domestic and international networks and using the latest te...
Project start date: 01/05/2022 - Project end date: 01/05/2025
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Melania Figueroa
- Project status:
GRDC code: DJP2203-005RTX
Pre-breedingOptimisation and validation of rapid screening method to quantify anti-nutritional factors (vicine and convicince) for faba beans
Pre-breedingFaba bean contains a number of anti-nutritional factors (ANF) in the seed and these can limit their use, both in the range of products and the amount included in some products. The most abundant group of faba antinutritional compounds are the glycosidic aminopyrimidine derivatives; vicine and con...
Project start date: 14/03/2022 - Project end date: 30/09/2022
- Organisation:
- [DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Contact:
- Joe Panozzo
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS2203-004RTX
Pre-breedingCapturing global diversity and international genetic gains of wheat and barley: CAIGE 2022-2026
Pre-breedingThe CAIGE program coordinates the importation, quarantine, multiplication, distribution and evaluation of bread wheat, durum wheat and barley lines from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and m...
Project start date: 01/03/2022 - Project end date: 28/02/2027
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Richard Trethowan
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS2201-001RTX
Pre-breedingIncreasing wheat yield and yield stability through improved heat tolerance during grain filling
Pre-breedingHeat stress is a significant constraint to wheat yield potential and the frequency of occurrence and intensity is projected to increase with climate change. Australian grain growers mitigate the impacts of heat stress by optimising sowing time when possible, input use and variety choice to avoid ...
Project start date: 01/01/2022 - Project end date: 28/02/2027
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Richard Trethowan
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS2112-002RTX
Pre-breedingProof-of-concept validation of chickpea heat tolerance within ARC LSA Hub germplasm
Pre-breedingGRDC's investments in ARC Research Hub Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture (LSA) has identified several heat tolerant chickpea pre-breeding material and genetic effects linked to the trait. This investment will validate a genetic population developed and partially phenotyped in the LSA to con...
Project start date: 01/12/2021 - Project end date: 15/01/2025
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Richard Trethowan
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2104-004RTX
Pre-breedingIntroducing a new major effect gene for crown rot resistance into Australian wheat
Pre-breedingFusarium crown rot of wheat is estimated to cost the Australian grains industry $404 million per year in lost yield. There are currently limited control options for crown rot, with cultural controls the most effective. Although there are some quantitative resistance sources coming through Austral...
Project start date: 01/10/2021 - Project end date: 28/02/2025
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Zhi Zheng
- Project status:
GRDC code: DJP2109-002RTX
Pre-breedingImproving yield potential of lentils on acid soils in Australia
Pre-breedingLentil production in Australia is mostly focussed on highly productive regions in the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia and the Wimmera region of Victoria, where upwards of 600,000 tonnes are produced annually. One of the main reasons for adaptation to these regions are the highly alkaline soils...
Project start date: 01/09/2021 - Project end date: 30/06/2026
- Organisation:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Contact:
- Matthew Hayden
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2109-004RMX
Pre-breedingReducing lodging risk in sorghum to increase grower confidence and profitability
Pre-breedingSorghum production in Australia averages 2,000,000 tonnes annually with a value of between $400M to $500M. It is the largest summer crop in Australia and our fourth largest crop overall, by tonnage and value. One of the most significant constraints to sorghum production is lodging. Lodging is con...
Project start date: 01/09/2021 - Project end date: 30/06/2027
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- David Jordan
- Project status:
GRDC code: AGT2108-001RTX
Pre-breedingAccelerated integration of physiology-based wheat traits within a commercial breeding programme
Pre-breedingSubstantial international effort and investment has been directed to fundamental research on plant physiological and biochemical processes in wheat, with the view that their optimisation would lead to transformational yield improvements. However, the link between the traits and yield, and their i...
Project start date: 30/08/2021 - Project end date: 30/01/2025
- Organisation:
- Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd
- Contact:
- Tristan Coram
- Project status:
GRDC code: UCS2105-002RSX
Pre-breedingGRS - (Timothy Green) 100-day Wheats for Adapting to a Changing Climate
Pre-breedingA changing Australian climate is resulting in less autumn rainfall, shifting frost patterns, and higher average temperatures. It has been proposed that a novel winter sown ‘100-day’ wheat ideotype which combines increased early vigour under low temperatures and a short life-cycle would provide gr...
Project start date: 31/05/2021 - Project end date: 25/03/2025
- Organisation:
- Charles Sturt University
- Contact:
- Sergio Moroni
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2104-011RTX
Pre-breedingNational Vetch Breeding Program
Pre-breedingThe aim of the National Vetch Breeding Program (NVBP) is to provide Australian farmers with a range of varieties for both common and woolly pod vetch, to enable choice of varieties according to the rotational requirements of a given season or system. More profitable and sustainable mixed farming ...
Project start date: 12/04/2021 - Project end date: 20/04/2025
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Janine Croser
- Project status:
GRDC code: ANU2103-001RSX
Pre-breedingGRS - (Tanya Skinner) A golden future for enhancing yield potential in canola
Pre-breedingThis GRDC investment supports PhD candidate Tanya Skinner who is completing her PhD at the Australian National University supported by a GRDC Research Scholarship (GRS). Tanya is working to improve photosynthetic yield potential in crops by looking at the carbon dioxide-fixing enzyme Rubisco and ...
Project start date: 31/03/2021 - Project end date: 31/01/2025
- Organisation:
- Australian National University
- Contact:
- Spencer Whitney
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2102-006RTX
Pre-breedingLeveraging International Germplasm to Deliver Improved Chickpea Chilling Tolerance for Australian Growers
Pre-breedingChickpea is one of Australia's most rapidly expanding crops, becoming increasingly valuable to the grains industry and providing rotational benefits to the farming system. Most expansion of chickpea has been in the relatively warm areas of northern New South Wales and southern Queensland. I...
Project start date: 15/02/2021 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Jens Berger
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2101-003RSX
Pre-breedingGRS - (Shanice Van Haeften) New insight and tools to increase yield potential and reliability in mungbean
Pre-breedingThis GRDC investment supports PhD candidate Shanice Van Haeften who is completing her PhD at the University of Queensland in mungbean supported by a GRDC Research Scholarship (GRS). Shanice aims to improve the understanding of the physiological and genetic basis of mungbean canopy development, po...
Project start date: 01/01/2021 - Project end date: 31/07/2024
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Lee Hickey
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2007-010RTX
Pre-breedingImproving weed control in pulses - delivery of herbicide tolerance traits
Pre-breedingPulse crops are inherently poor competitors and can suffer 15 - 44% yield loss at even small population densities of broadleaf weeds. Herbicides are the main method of weed control used in modern day farming systems, however there are currently limited safe or suitable herbicide options available...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Tim Sutton
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2007-003RTX
Pre-breedingThe development of an accurate, high throughput, affordable and relevant screen for LMA risk for the Australian wheat industry
Pre-breedingFalling number is a global industry standard used to quantify detrimental pre-harvest sprouting, as early release from seed dormancy leads to significant effects on end-product quality. However, low falling number can also be caused by the Late Maturity alpha-Amylase (LMA) trait. Susceptibility t...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Bettina Berger
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2007-001RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 1: Identification of novel sources of resistance to Septoria Leaf Blotch and understanding of evolution and virulence of the pathogen
Pre-breedingSeptoria avenae blotch is a significant oat disease especially in Western Australia where almost all oat crops have some level of Septoria infection. Average yield losses from Septoria in the high rainfall zone are approximately 15% and result in significant economic loss. The Septoria pathogen p...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 31/01/2024
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Judith Atieno
- Project status:
GRDC code: DJP2007-001RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 4: Towards effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea - Accurate, effective, cheaper and rapid high-throughput method for qualitative and quantitative evaluation for AB genetic resistance.
Pre-breedingAscochyta blight is the greatest disease threat to the Australian chickpea industry and can result in complete crop loss. With limited genetic options, management is reliant on multiple fungicide applications. To reduce reliance on chemical control, improve profitability and reduce risk, improved...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 30/06/2024
- Organisation:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Contact:
- Joshua Fanning
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2007-001RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 5: IDM package for Ascochyta Blight in chickpeas
Pre-breedingAscochyta blight (AB, Phoma rabiei) is a devastating fungal disease of chickpea in Australia and worldwide. Current control recommendations often fail as the fungus is highly mutable, rapidly eroding host genetic resistance. As a consequence, while host genetic resistance and chemical control are...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 30/06/2024
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Susan Sprague
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2005-011RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 3: Towards effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea - Identification and characterisation of novel sources of AB resistance in elite cultivars and wild relatives of chickpea
Pre-breedingThe aim of this research is to stabilise yield and increase grower profitability through the reduction of loss associated with ascochyta blight in chickpea, caused by the fungus Phoma rabiei. Despite significant progress in breeding, ascochyta blight remains a major disease of chickpea in Austral...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 30/06/2024
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Janine Croser
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP2007-002RTX
Pre-breedingOptimising genetic control of oat phenology for Australia
Pre-breedingTo achieve maximum yield and optimal grain quality, the time of year when cereal crops flower and produce grain must coincide with optimal seasonal conditions. Variation flowering time allows breeders to produce cereal varieties suited to specific regions, climates and management practices. Genes...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 29/11/2024
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Meredith McNeil
- Project status:
GRDC code: ICA2007-001RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 2 - Towards effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of Chickpea
Pre-breedingChickpea is an internationally important pulse crop the profitability of which is consistently negatively affected by Ascochyta blight (Didymella rabiei) epidemics and the pathogen's ability to evolve enhanced aggressiveness. In order to manage the global threat posed by the disease, ICARDA, ...
Project start date: 01/07/2020 - Project end date: 01/12/2024
- Organisation:
- International Centre for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA)
- Contact:
- Aladdin Hamwieh
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2005-012RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 3: Screening of diverse barley germplasm for rapid discovery and utilisation of novel disease resistance in barley novel using R-HapSelect: A haplotype-based toolkit.
Pre-breedingThe three barley pathogens, that cause spot form of net blotch (SFNB), net form of net blotch (NFNB), and Scald are genetically and pathogenically diverse. They reproduce sexually, rapidly develop new virulences and overcome genetic resistance, making it important to identify new sources of resis...
Project start date: 01/05/2020 - Project end date: 15/02/2024
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Ben Hayes
- Project status:
GRDC code: UWA2003-005RSX
Pre-breedingGRS - (William Thomas) Identifying novel sources of disease resistance genes in wild Brassicaceae for canola crop improvement
Pre-breedingThis GRDC investment supports PhD candidate William Thomas who is completing his PhD at the University of Western Australia supported by a GRDC Research Scholarship (GRS). William's research focuses on using genetics and genomics to identify resistance genes in canola that protect the crop fr...
Project start date: 16/03/2020 - Project end date: 15/03/2024
- Organisation:
- University of Western Australia
- Contact:
- William Thomas
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAQ2005-004RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 4: Minimising the impact of major barley foliar pathogens on yield and profit: Screening of elite breeder material transitioning to a fee for service model.
Pre-breedingIndustry access to a reliable, high-throughput disease screening capacity is a critical component of any effort to breed effectively to counter the impact of the three barley pathogens, Pyrenophora teres f. maculata, the causal agent of the spot form of net blotch (SFNB), P. teres f. teres, that ...
Project start date: 01/03/2020 - Project end date: 28/02/2024
- Organisation:
- Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI)
- Contact:
- Lisle Snyman
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2003-008RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 2: Minimising the impact of major barley foliar pathogens on yield and profit: Surveillance and monitoring of pathogen populations (SARDI)
Pre-breedingThe barley foliar diseases, scald (Rhynchosporium secalis), the net form of net blotch (NFNB, Pyrenophora teres f. teres) and the spot form of net blotch (SFNB, P. teres f. maculata) are caused by three highly variable fungal pathogen populations that can evolve rapidly to adapt to changing varie...
Project start date: 01/03/2020 - Project end date: 28/02/2024
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Tara Garrard
- Project status:
GRDC code: DJP2003-011RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 1: Minimising the impact of major barley foliar pathogens on yield and profit: Development of international host differential sets.
Pre-breedingThe development and maintenance of international host differential sets is a key resource for identifying new virulent pathotypes in the field and identifying novel sources of genetic resistance. This program aims to work and collaborate internationally to develop host differential sets for the n...
Project start date: 01/03/2020 - Project end date: 01/03/2024
- Organisation:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Contact:
- Hari Dadu
- Project status:
GRDC code: DJP2001-009RTX
Pre-breedingLMA Project B - A novel high-throughput, low-cost test to determine cause of starch damage in wheat grain
Pre-breedingFalling Number is a global industry standard to quantify detrimental pre-harvest sprouting (PHS), which can lead to significant effects on end-product quality. However, low Falling Number can also be caused by the genetic trait of Late Maturity alpha-Amylase (LMA). Susceptibility to LMA is curren...
Project start date: 01/01/2020 - Project end date: 31/12/2022
- Organisation:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Contact:
- Matthew Hayden
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA2001-003RTX
Pre-breedingUtilising novel genetic diversity to increase Barley yields nationally
Pre-breedingThis project aims to utilize an exotic barley population (HEB-25) to enhanced yield potential of future Australian barley varieties by identifying germplasm with improved biomass production under water-limiting environments, and higher grain number per ear or thousand grain weight than current yi...
Project start date: 01/01/2020 - Project end date: 31/03/2023
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Jason Able
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ2001-005RTX
Pre-breedingLMA Project C - An improved model of Late Maturity alpha-Amylase (LMA) field risk in Australian wheat.
Pre-breedingThe susceptibility of new wheat varieties to the Late Maturity alpha-Amylase (LMA) defect is a key concern for breeding programs developing high-quality milling grade wheat in Australia. A capacity to characterise and quantify actual LMA risk at field scale remains a crucial outstanding industry ...
Project start date: 01/01/2020 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Andries Potgieter
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1910-002RTX
Pre-breedingManipulation of stomata to increase yield potential in wheat (IWYP collaboration)
Pre-breedingMaximising grain yield requires a careful balance between photosynthesis, water use efficiency (WUE) and maintaining optimal leaf temperature for photosynthesis. Stomata are a key determinant in these processes as they regulate the balance of CO2 uptake for photosynthesis, while minimising water ...
Project start date: 01/10/2019 - Project end date: 31/03/2024
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Stuart Roy
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOT1909-002RTX
Pre-breedingImproving the adaptation and profitability of high value Pulses (chickpea and lentil) across Australian Agroecological Zones
Pre-breedingThe fit between a crop variety and its local environment has a critical impact on productivity. To develop a range of varieties that provide optimal adaption to local conditions across current production regions and potential expansion zones requires a better understanding of how environment and ...
Project start date: 30/09/2019 - Project end date: 30/06/2025
- Organisation:
- University of Tasmania
- Contact:
- James Weller
- Project status:
GRDC code: UCD1908-001RTX
Pre-breedingLeveraging existing international germplasm to deliver improved acid soil tolerance chickpea for Australian growers (GRDC/USA/Ethiopia Initiative)
Pre-breedingThis project uses genomics-assisted breeding to develop chickpea varieties with enhanced tolerance to acid soils. Development of novel chickpea varieties that thrive under acidic soil conditions, where aluminium toxicity and phosphorous deficiency otherwise limit plant growth, would be a signific...
Project start date: 30/08/2019 - Project end date: 30/09/2025
- Organisation:
- UC Davis
- Contact:
- Douglas Cook
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1907-003RTX
Pre-breedingPost-Doctoral Fellowship: High-throughput quantitative analysis of flowering dynamics and canopy structure in Canola germplasm using image analysis and deep learning methods
Pre-breedingCrop improvement is dependent on accurate measurements of plant traits such as flowering time, leaf and seed number. For canola, a major grain crop in Australia, these traits are currently assessed by human observation, a time-consuming and costly process. This investment will develop tools and m...
Project start date: 01/07/2019 - Project end date: 30/09/2023
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Chris Helliwell
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1907-001RTX
Pre-breedingIncreasing return on investment from canola seed through improved establishment - Program 1
Pre-breedingThis research aims to achieve a 25% improvement in canola establishment in Australia by 2030 by ensuring canola breeders have the know-how and tools to develop new cultivars with improved establishment. This will be delivered by providing Australian canola breeders with the genetics (germplasm wi...
Project start date: 01/07/2019 - Project end date: 30/09/2023
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Matthew Nelson
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1907-001RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 5 - Towards Effective Control of Blackleg of Canola : Canola infrastructure and FFS
Pre-breedingBlackleg, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, is the most serious disease of canola in Australia. A critical component of an effective blackleg genetic resistance improvement effort is industry having access to a reliable, accurate high-throughput disease screening capacity.This program ...
Project start date: 01/06/2019 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Contact:
- Matt Hayden
- Project status:
GRDC code: UWA1905-007RTX
Pre-breedingImproving canola heat tolerance - a coordinated multidisciplinary approach
Pre-breedingExtended period of high temperature stress and short periods of heat shock are major threat to canola grain and oil yield in canola growing regions in Australia.This project looks specifically at the genetics of heat tolerance in canola and will build on the outputs of previous GRDC research. Sel...
Project start date: 21/05/2019 - Project end date: 30/06/2024
- Organisation:
- University of Western Australia
- Contact:
- Sheng Chen
- Project status:
GRDC code: UWA1905-006RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 3: Towards Effective Control of Blackleg of Canola: Identification of novel sources of blackleg resistance genes
Pre-breedingThe use of genetic resistance is a major strategy for minimising blackleg disease in canola. It is necessary to identify novel sources of resistance to blackleg disease for incorporation into Australian breeding programs. The outcome of this work will be new genetic material and markers for black...
Project start date: 01/05/2019 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- University of Western Australia
- Contact:
- Jacqueline Batley
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOM1905-003RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 2 - Towards Effective Control of Blackleg of Canola: Coordinating international blackleg research and development
Pre-breedingThe use of resistance genes is one of the major strategies for minimising the impact of blackleg disease of canola. Therefore, the accurate identification of resistance genes in Australian canola cultivars is essential for the continued high levels of canola production. All commercial cultivars a...
Project start date: 01/05/2019 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- The University of Melbourne
- Contact:
- Angela Van de Wouw
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1905-003RTX
Pre-breedingMulti-species DNA chip platform - A resource for pulse genetic improvement
Pre-breedingThis project will develop and provide a low-cost DNA genotyping platform for chickpea, field pea, faba bean, lentil and lupin for use by the Australian pulse breeding and pre-breeding programs. In addition, it will ensure that data generated using this platform is combined with previous, current ...
Project start date: 01/05/2019 - Project end date: 31/07/2023
- Organisation:
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Contact:
- Matthew Hayden
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1904-007RTX
Pre-breedingProgram 4 - Towards Effective Control of Blackleg of Canola: Phenotyping for Adult Plant Resistance (APR - Quantitative Resistance) in canola
Pre-breedingBlackleg disease is a threat to canola production in Australia with an estimated 15% reduction in total grain yield annually. Control strategies include isolation of crops from disease sources, chemical control as well as varietal resistance. Major gene resistance (MGR) is a gene-for-gene interac...
Project start date: 29/04/2019 - Project end date: 01/04/2024
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Susan Sprague
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1903-004RTX
Pre-breedingPost-doctoral Fellowship: Alternative phenotyping for reproductive stage frost tolerance using metabolite markers and identification of frost tolerance QTL in wheat - aligned to CSP00202
Pre-breedingFrost and other cold events are major causes of yield loss in a number of Australian cropping systems. Management options are heavily reliant on the development of tolerant varieties however phenotyping wheat germplasm for chilling and frost tolerance under field conditions is notoriously difficu...
Project start date: 31/03/2019 - Project end date: 31/05/2022
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Fernanda Dreccer
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1903-004RTX
Pre-breedingPost-Doctoral Fellowship: Minimising the impact of high temperature at flowering on spikelet fertility aligned to Project UMU00049
Pre-breedingDamage from heat events is a common constraint limiting crop production in Australia. The flowering stage of crop growth is particularly sensitive to high temperatures that can significantly decrease fertility and seed-setting rate resulting in grain yield losses. While considerable genetic varia...
Project start date: 15/03/2019 - Project end date: 31/03/2022
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Chengdao Li
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ1903-008RTX
Pre-breedingPost-doctoral Fellowship - Enhancing Genomic Prediction for Sorghum to deal with genotype-by-environment interactions for yield
Pre-breedingThis project will investigate the opportunity to develop more powerful genomic prediction methods that can better handle the effects of genotype-by-environment interactions using the sorghum crop growth model available within the APSIM platform. With enhanced genomic prediction capability that ca...
Project start date: 01/03/2019 - Project end date: 30/06/2024
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Mark Cooper
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ1901-004RTX
Pre-breedingNext generation plant breeding: integrating genomic selection and high throughput phenotyping to enhance genetic gain in sorghum and mungbeans
Pre-breedingA range of new technologies including genomic selection and high throughput (HTP) phenotyping systems have the potential to dramatically improve the rates of genetic gain in crop breeding programs. This requires the development of integrated data management and analysis pipelines using high perfo...
Project start date: 01/01/2019 - Project end date: 31/12/2021
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- David Jordan
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1901-002RTX
Pre-breedingOptimising Canola Production in Diverse Australian Growing Environments
Pre-breedingCanola growers in Australia need to be able to select varieties that will perform optimally in their local growing conditions. The timing of flowering is an important factor in determining sowing time and avoiding frost, heat and terminal drought. This project will generate genome marker, gene ex...
Project start date: 01/01/2019 - Project end date: 30/09/2023
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Chris Helliwell
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1810-001RTX
Pre-breedingPreserving Australia's Rhizobial Collections to Benefit the Australian Grain Industry
Pre-breedingThe gene-bank collections of rhizobia strains in Australia have provided the cultures for development of commercial inoculant production and are a resource for the future improvement of the inoculants used for pulse and pasture legumes. Strains in these collections are routinely distributed natio...
Project start date: 11/10/2018 - Project end date: 30/06/2024
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Graeme O'Hara
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1806-013AWX
Pre-breedingAccelerating wheat genetic gain by establishing a high-throughput spike phenotyping platform
Pre-breedingThe architecture of cereal heads (or ears) is an important trait to understand cereal responses to heat and frost, as well as understanding water limited yield potential. International researchers have developed X-ray CT scanning methods to allow high throughput measurements of cereal head. This ...
Project start date: 30/06/2018 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Bettina Berger
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1806-002RTX
Pre-breedingImproved Genetic Gain through GRDC Participation in Barley Pan-genome Consortium
Pre-breedingA pan genome describes all the genes and genetic variation within a species. A comprehensive understanding of this genetic variation in barley will enable researchers to more rapidly determine the genetic control of important traits such as heat tolerance and disease resistance. It will also allo...
Project start date: 30/06/2018 - Project end date: 30/09/2025
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Ken Chalmers
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1806-011RTX
Pre-breedingImproving Australian malt barley flavour to address Chinese brewing requirements
Pre-breedingThis investment aims to identify key malt flavour characteristics of Australian and Canadian malt to determine why Canadian malt is preferred in China and other key export markets. The investment also will try to determine what are the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to differen...
Project start date: 29/06/2018 - Project end date: 30/10/2022
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Jason Able
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1806-013AWX
Pre-breedingAustralian Grains Gene Banks (AGG) Capacity and Capability Enhancement - Infrastructure
Pre-breedingThe Australian Grains Gene Bank (AGG) identified critical infrastructure requirements that were needed in the short to long term to ensure it has the capability to support the Australian research and breeding community with access to germplasm of actual and potential value to sustain enduring pro...
Project start date: 19/06/2018 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- [DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Contact:
- Sally Norton
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1806-009RTX
Pre-breedingLupin Breeders Toolbox - A Resource for Lupin Genetic Improvement
Pre-breedingThis project aims to expand the current genomic and genetic resources available in one of the major grain legumes grown in Australia, narrow-leafed lupin (NLL; Lupinus angustifolius L.). These genomic and genetic resources will significantly help accelerate the NLL breeding program, including th...
Project start date: 14/06/2018 - Project end date: 30/06/2022
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Lingling Gao
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1806-012RTX
Pre-breedingPost-Doctoral Fellowship - Improving root growth in dispersive soils
Pre-breedingThe Australian grains belt has large areas of sodic soils, which in nature are dispersive and often associated with dense subsoils with high soil strength that can restrict root penetration and uptake of water and nutrient, with consequent limitations to productivity. While previous assessments o...
Project start date: 01/06/2018 - Project end date: 31/03/2021
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Glenn McDonald
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOQ1806-004RTX
Pre-breedingBetter sorghum: larger grain with more protein
Pre-breedingFeed grains are utilised primarily as a source of energy, with most of the energy from starch, with the protein component usually considered of secondary importance. However, protein needs to be supplemented from crops such as soybean or lupin, and this represents a more expensive input per unit ...
Project start date: 30/01/2018 - Project end date: 28/02/2022
- Organisation:
- The University of Queensland
- Contact:
- Ian Godwin
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS1801-004RTX
Pre-breedingAustralian Cereal Rust Control Program (ACRCP) - University of Sydney: Delivering genetic tools and knowledge required to breed wheat and barley with resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust and stem rust
Pre-breedingWheat and barley rusts have the potential to cause significant production losses in Australia. Although fungicides control rusts, they do not provide complete control in highly susceptible cultivars. Genetic resistance therefore remains the foundation of integrated rust control. This project expl...
Project start date: 01/01/2018 - Project end date: 31/12/2022
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Robert Park
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS1801-001RTX
Pre-breedingAustralian Cereal Rust Control Program -Wheat and barley breeding support
Pre-breedingCereal rust diseases can cause significant yield losses. Genetic resistance in commercial varieties is an important part of the management of rusts in Australia. New rust pathotypes frequently occur in Australia, and can impact the expected resistance of cereal varieties. This project provides a ...
Project start date: 01/01/2018 - Project end date: 31/12/2022
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Robert Park
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1801-013RTX
Pre-breedingAustralian Cereal Rust Control Program (ACRCP) - CSIRO: Delivering genetic tools and knowledge required to breed wheat and barley with resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust and stem rust
Pre-breedingRust diseases are a significant threat to wheat production in Australia. Disease control relies heavily on breeding for disease resistance. Genetic resistance is preferable to fungicide control because of the lower input and environmental costs and the risk of restrictions of fungicide use due to...
Project start date: 01/01/2018 - Project end date: 31/03/2023
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Peter Dodds
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1801-010RTX
Pre-breedingAustralian Cereal Rust Control Program - Novel sources of stem rust resistance from uncultivated wild relatives of wheat
Pre-breedingRusts are have the potential to cause significant losses for Australia wheat growers. These potential losses are largely prevented through the incorporation of sources of genetic resistance into varieties. This project aims to continue the successful incorporation of rust resistance from related ...
Project start date: 01/01/2018 - Project end date: 30/06/2023
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Ian Dundas
- Project status:
GRDC code: UWA1708-010RTX
Pre-breedingUWA00173 - Capacity building to understand plant energy efficiency in harsh environments
Pre-breedingThis project supports PhD training and research seeking to improve crop performance through the manipulation of plant energy efficiency. The investment leverages fundamental research conducted within the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology: PhD research is investigating potential to ...
Project start date: 31/08/2017 - Project end date: 31/12/2021
- Organisation:
- University of Western Australia
- Contact:
- Harvey Millar
- Project status:
GRDC code: DPI1707-003RTX
Pre-breedingCanola pre-breeding investment to continue some activities conducted under DAN00208
Pre-breedingUnder DAN00117 and DAN00208, NSW DPI has identified pod shatter resistant accessions of Brassica rapa (2n = 2x) and Brassica carinata (2n = 4x). Research on combining resistance from both sources was initiated under DAN00208 for two years (2015-17). In collaboration with Huazhong Agricultural Uni...
Project start date: 01/07/2017 - Project end date: 31/12/2021
- Organisation:
- [NSW] Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Contact:
- Harsh Raman
- Project status:
GRDC code: ULA1707-005RSX
Pre-breedingGRS - (Linda Brain) F. graminearum cell wall (GRS11005)
Pre-breedingThe aim of this project is to identify the enzymes that are essential for biosynthesis of the cell wall of the cereal pathogen Fusarium graminearum and to use this knowledge to produce new and potent fungal inhibitors that can be used in crop protection. Fungicides currently in use are not partic...
Project start date: 01/07/2017 - Project end date: 31/03/2022
- Organisation:
- La Trobe University
- Contact:
- Marilyn Anderson
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1707-001BLX
Pre-breedingBA- Australian Grains Genebank 2017-2022
Pre-breedingThe Australian Grains Genebank (AGG) represents the national, consolidated deposit of all major grains germplasm collections. The AGG has a mandate for germplasm introductions, quarantine, storage, maintenance and information management to support Australian researchers and crop breeders to utili...
Project start date: 01/07/2017 - Project end date: 30/06/2022
- Organisation:
- [DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Contact:
- Sally Norton
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1601-007RTX
Pre-breedingUA00168 - The 10 Genome Wheat Sequencing Consortium
Pre-breedingModern wheat cultivars carry a wide range of different genes associated with important traits, such as increased yield and disease resistance. This project will develop deep sequence profiles and assemblies for ten diverse wheat genotypes that can be used as a base of subsequent genome assembles....
Project start date: 26/05/2017 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Ken Chalmers
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1703-014RTX
Pre-breedingUA00157 - Development of tools to accelerate nematode resistance gene deployment
Pre-breedingNematodes are important pathogens of cereal crops in Australia. This investment will explore sources of resistance to two major nematodes, Cereal Cyst Nematode (CCN) and Pratylenchus thornei.Cereal cyst nematode (CCN) was once a very damaging pathogen of cereal crops in southern Australia that ha...
Project start date: 18/03/2017 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Diane Mather
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAS1703-024OPX
Pre-breedingDAS00148 Australian Pastures Genebank
Pre-breedingThe Australian Pastures Genebank (APG) is the custodian of one of the world's most diverse and significant temperate and tropical pasture and forage collections. The APG was established in 2014 from eleven significant pasture seed collections from around Australia; it currently holds 74,000 a...
Project start date: 18/03/2017 - Project end date: 30/06/2028
- Organisation:
- SA Research and Development Institute
- Contact:
- Alan Humphries
- Project status:
GRDC code: DPI1703-009RMX
Pre-breedingDAN00202 New tools and germplasm for Australian pulse and oil seeds breeding programs to respond to changing virus threats
Pre-breedingProfitable pulse and oilseed rotation crops are a key component of Australia's crop based farming systems. Pulses and oilseeds are susceptible to a range of virus diseases and improving genetic resistance is the most economical and sustainable option to control virus induced crop losses. This...
Project start date: 09/03/2017 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- [NSW] Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Contact:
- Joop van Leur
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1607-010BLX
Pre-breeding9176093 - PulseBio Project 3: Stable grain yield in pulses through improved stress tolerance (P3)
Pre-breedingStress tolerance and disease resistance traits are routinely measured by pulse breeding programs, but data collection is limited by time constraints. High-throughput phenotyping technologies will allow much more accurate measurement of traits on a much wider range of germplasm, improving selecti...
Project start date: 01/07/2016 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- [DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Contact:
- Garry Rosewarne
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1607-006BLX
Pre-breedingDAV00158 -DEPI BA-2- Quantifying the value of pulse grains
Pre-breedingIt is essential that Australian growers have access to pulse varieties that combine a suite of desirable traits including, increased grain yield, improved agronomic characteristics and optimal quality traits. These traits ensure the viability of the industry and maximise returns to growers on the...
Project start date: 01/07/2016 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- [DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Contact:
- Joe Panozzo
- Project status:
GRDC code: UCS1607-003RTX
Pre-breedingUCS00025 - 2015.01.18-Expanding options for sorghum- Food and Distilling
Pre-breedingThis investment will target the development of high value markets for Australian sorghum. Markets in the food and beverage industries will be targeted for characterisation and current Australian varieties (and competitor varieties) assessed for their potential suitability to meet high quality mar...
Project start date: 01/07/2016 - Project end date: 15/03/2022
- Organisation:
- Charles Sturt University
- Contact:
- Chris Blanchard
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1606-009RTX
Pre-breedingUA00163 - Pulse Breeding Australia: Faba Bean Breeding
Pre-breedingFaba bean is one of Australia's major cool season food legumes with production extending over a wide eco-geographic range with the major production area in the southern region (Victoria, South Australia) and a smaller area in the northern region (northern NSW and southern Queensland). These r...
Project start date: 01/07/2016 - Project end date: 30/06/2025
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Jason Able
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1607-011BLX
Pre-breeding9176121 - PulseBio 4: Biosecure pulse seeds
Pre-breedingThe Australian Grains Genebank imports pulse germplasm for use by breeders and researchers. The two main bottlenecks in accessing and distributing new germplasm are the post-entry quarantine program, designed to minimise risk of new diseases entering Australia, and the need to obtain plant geneti...
Project start date: 30/06/2016 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- [DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Contact:
- Solomon Maina
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS1606-006OPX
Pre-breedingUS00083 - ARC Research Hub for Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture
Pre-breedingThe ARC Research Hub for Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture ("Hub") aims to provide Australian growers and industrial stakeholders with improved plant materials to maximise production, environmental sustainability and profitability. In particular, the research aims to improve the nitro...
Project start date: 30/06/2016 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Brent Kaiser
- Project status:
GRDC code: UWA1606-004RTX
Pre-breedingUWA00175 - An integrated platform for rapid genetic gain in pulse crops
Pre-breedingPulse genetic improvement has been constrained by the long lifecycle of the plant; a feature that results in slow rates of genetic gain in breeding programs. The objectives of this project are to further develop an Accelerated Single Seed Descent system for pulses (developed in earlier GRDC-suppo...
Project start date: 30/06/2016 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- University of Western Australia
- Contact:
- Janine Croser
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1606-002RMX
Pre-breedingUMU00049 - 2016.02.01F - Maintenance of grain plumpness and transfer of heat tolerance into Australian barley germplasm
Pre-breedingAnnual average economic losses from heat damage in Australian wheat crops are estimated to be about $1.1billion. Climate models predict that in the grain belt of Australia the average temperature will increase by 2-3 C and rainfall will decrease by 20-30% in the next 20 years. Identification of h...
Project start date: 30/06/2016 - Project end date: 28/06/2022
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Chengdao Li
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS1606-001RTX
Pre-breedingUS00080 - 2016.02.01G A national approach to improving heat tolerance in wheat through more efficient carbon allocation
Pre-breedingHeat damage which predominantly arises from heat shock or longer-term temperatures above optimum during the reproductive and grain filling stages, is one of the most regular and limiting constraints to Australian wheat production.This project examines the mechanistic bases of heat tolerance to bu...
Project start date: 30/06/2016 - Project end date: 31/12/2022
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Richard Trethowan
- Project status:
GRDC code: ANU1601-001RTX
Pre-breedingANU00025 - Using next generation approaches to exploit phenotypic variation in photosynthetic efficiency to increase wheat yield
Pre-breedingA global consortium effort aims to improve photosynthetic performance in wheat as part of the International Wheat Yield Partnership. This project forms part of that international initiative. In this project, phenotyping photosynthetic characters from diverse lines of wheat will be combined with n...
Project start date: 01/01/2016 - Project end date: 30/04/2020
- Organisation:
- Australian National University
- Contact:
- John Evans
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS1507-008RMX
Pre-breedingUS00075 - Integrated Genetic Solutions to Crown Rot in Wheat
Pre-breedingCrown rot is an important disease of wheat in Australia. Development of resistant varieties has been hampered by the lack of reliable, repeatable, and robust phenotyping methods suitable of use in commercial breeding programs. Furthermore, the genetic basis of resistance is complex with multiple ...
Project start date: 01/07/2015 - Project end date: 30/06/2020
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Phillip Davies
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1507-006RTX
Pre-breedingCSP00192 - Development of gene deployment strategies: using evolutionary principles to optimise the development of genetic resistance in crops
Pre-breedingDisease control in agriculture is very often ephemeral with resistance based on genetic approaches often showing little durability. A major source of this instability lies in the fact that host-pathogen systems are biotic interactions in which both components have potential to evolve. In the past...
Project start date: 01/07/2015 - Project end date: 30/12/2020
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Peter Thrall
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOS1507-005RMX
Pre-breedingUS00074 - Development of genetic tools for Australian barley crops against leaf rust
Pre-breedingGrowing resistant varieties is an important part of an integrated disease management plan for the control of barley leaf rust. This investment will characterise and isolate three major resistance genes that have not yet been deployed in barley varieties by barley breeders in Australia and which a...
Project start date: 01/07/2015 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- University of Sydney
- Contact:
- Robert Park
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1506-005RTX
Pre-breedingCSP00199 - Validation trials for dwarfing genes, vigour x management interactions, and preliminary assessment of rate of grain-filling
Pre-breedingGrain yield is a genetically complex character making selection for combinations of favourable alleles for performance under water limitation difficult. A previous project used GRDC's managed environment facilities (MEF) to provide reliable screening of selected wheat population tails and nea...
Project start date: 30/06/2015 - Project end date: 31/12/2020
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Greg Rebetzke
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1506-001RTX
Pre-breedingUMU00048 - Genetic approaches to reduce the nitrogen dilution effect and increase nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) in wheat in wheat
Pre-breedingThe nitrogen dilution effect refers to the observation that high wheat yields are often associated with low grain protein content (GPC). As grain protein is a key determinant of price, growers seek to maintain both high yield and high GPC.This investment seeks to confirm recent gene network disc...
Project start date: 01/06/2015 - Project end date: 30/04/2022
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Wujun Ma
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1501-002RTX
Pre-breedingUMU00046 Improved Adaption of Barley to Acid Soils
Pre-breedingSoil acidity with high levels of toxic aluminium is the largest (in area) soil constraint limiting sustainable barley production in Australia. Tolerant barley varieties are available but some of the more tolerant genotypes are associated with a blue aleurone phenotype. Blue aleurone is not permit...
Project start date: 01/01/2015 - Project end date: 31/12/2020
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Chengdao Li
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1406-002RTX
Pre-breedingUMU00050-DAW00240 - Manipulating barley phenology to maximise yield potential
Pre-breedingThe time of flowering is known to be the single most important trait that determines the adaptation and yield of barley, and other cereals, to the variable climates and diverse growing regions of the Australian grain belt. Achieving the highest possible yields and the best quality requires that t...
Project start date: 30/06/2014 - Project end date: 30/06/2020
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Chengdao Li
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAW1406-005RTX
Pre-breedingDAW00238 - Development of lupin molecular markers tagging yield QTL genes and yield-related°
Pre-breedingLupin is the most important grain legume in Australia for acid, well drained, light textured soils in southern Australia. It provides a viable break crop in Australian crop rotations by facilitating disease and weed control in cereal rotations as well as providing legume nitrogen inputs and on-fa...
Project start date: 30/06/2014 - Project end date: 30/06/2020
- Organisation:
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Contact:
- Gaofeng Zhou
- Project status:
GRDC code: CUR1406-001RTX
Pre-breedingCUR00024 - Genetics of wild germplasm, gene-pool expansion and integrated ASSD approach to enhance adaptive potential in chickpea
Pre-breedingCultivated chickpea (Cicer arietinum) has a narrow genetic base which constrains the ability to find valuable genetic diversity that could be used in developing improved varieties for Australian growers. This project aimed to broaden genetic diversity in cultivated chickpea germplasm through th...
Project start date: 30/06/2014 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- Curtin University
- Contact:
- Lars Kamphuis
- Project status:
GRDC code: USQ1406-002RTX
Pre-breedingUSQ00017 - Assessing collections of wild chickpea relatives for resistance to root-lesion nematodes
Pre-breedingChickpea (Cicer arietinum) is an important pulse crop grown in Australia and internationally where it is an important source of protein in many countries. It is the major grain legume in the northern region of Australia and brings many benefits as a rotational crop with wheat. However, both whe...
Project start date: 30/06/2014 - Project end date: 31/12/2021
- Organisation:
- University of Southern Queensland
- Contact:
- Rebecca Zwart
- Project status:
GRDC code: UMU1406-001RTX
Pre-breedingUMU00044 - Identifying low pH tolerance and effective rhizobia for wild Cicer to improve adaptation to acid sandy soils
Pre-breedingSoil acidity restricts plant growth mainly due to the toxicity effects of Aluminium (Al) and Manganese (Mn). Deficiencies of Molybdenum (Mo), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) can also occur in acid soils. In Western Australia, Al toxicity is most prevalent on acid so...
Project start date: 30/06/2014 - Project end date: 31/01/2022
- Organisation:
- Murdoch University
- Contact:
- Richard Bell
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1403-012RTX
Pre-breedingCSP00185 - Collection, phenotyping and exploitation of wild Cicer genetic resources for chickpea improvement
Pre-breedingChickpea production has expanded dramatically over the last 14 years to become Australia's most valuable pulse export. However, the Mediterranean production environments of southern and western Australia pose specific adaptive challenges such as terminal drought, low temperatures during flowe...
Project start date: 31/03/2014 - Project end date: 30/06/2021
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Jens Berger
- Project status:
GRDC code: CUR1403-002BLX
Pre-breedingCUR00023 - CCDM - Centre for Crop and Disease management
Pre-breedingThe CCDM is a strategic partnership between GRDC and Curtin University that was established as a national centre to address this increasing fungal pathogen impact. CCDM focuses upon capacity building, research activity and industry development to minimise the impact of foliar pathogens (other tha...
Project start date: 31/03/2014 - Project end date: 30/06/2027
- Organisation:
- Curtin University
- Contact:
- Mark Gibberd
- Project status:
GRDC code: ICA1401-001RTX
Pre-breedingICA00011 - Pre-emptive chickpea pre-breeding for biotic stresses and germplasm enhancement
Pre-breedingChickpea suffers from a range of biotic and abiotic stresses that can cause significant production losses. The losses caused by many of these stresses can be avoided through the breeding of resistant or tolerant varieties, but appropriate genes are not always available within the cultivated germp...
Project start date: 01/01/2014 - Project end date: 30/06/2020
- Organisation:
- International Centre for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA)
- Contact:
- Aladdin Hamwieh
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1307-005RTX
Pre-breedingCSP00175 - Maintaining wheat grain number under reproductive-stage drought conditions.
Pre-breedingIn Australia, optimising wheat yields is a balancing act between conditions that are either too cold or too hot and dry. Stabilising productivity of wheat crops in these conditions requires wheat varieties that are more tolerant to abiotic stress conditions. However, progressing breeding for whea...
Project start date: 01/07/2013 - Project end date: 30/09/2020
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Rudy Dolferus
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAV1306-002RMX
Pre-breedingDAV00127 - Using next-generation genetics to accelerate variety improvement in bread wheat, durum and barley
Pre-breedingRecent advancements in DNA genotyping and DNA sequencing technologies have produced a quantum shift in the rate of progress that can be made in understanding the genetic basis of trait variation. This investment provides direct access and support for use of next-generation DNA technologies and th...
Project start date: 30/06/2013 - Project end date: 30/06/2020
- Organisation:
- [DO NOT USE - see DEECA] Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Contact:
- Matthew Hayden
- Project status:
GRDC code: UOA1306-002RTX
Pre-breedingUA00143 - Australian Wheat and Barley Molecular Marker Program - Genetic Analysis
Pre-breedingThe objectives of this national project are to investigate the genetic control of important traits of wheat and barley and provide genetic knowledge and DNA markers that can be used in germplasm development and breeding. The key research activities in this project are development and genotyping o...
Project start date: 30/06/2013 - Project end date: 30/06/2020
- Organisation:
- The University of Adelaide
- Contact:
- Diane Mather
- Project status:
GRDC code: CSP1306-002RTX
Pre-breedingCSP00168 - Photosynthesis Traits for Raising Wheat Yield Potential
Pre-breedingTo meet global demand for wheat, a doubling of the rate of annual progress in wheat breeding is necessary. Future gains in yield potential need to come from increases in biomass, achievable by improving radiation use efficiency and photosynthesis. Photosynthetic traits have not been exploited in ...
Project start date: 15/06/2013 - Project end date: 30/04/2020
- Organisation:
- Contact:
- Tony Condon
- Project status:
GRDC code: DAN1306-005RTX
Pre-breedingDAN00172-BA - Managing Crop Disease - Improving chickpea pathogen resistance (PRR)
Pre-breedingPulses are a vital component of Australia's cereal-based cropping systems. They contribute to soil nitrogen and reduce the impact of cereal diseases, resulting in improved yield, quality and profitability. In addition, pulses such as chickpea can be a highly valuable cash crop. Most (>70%)...
Project start date: 01/06/2013 - Project end date: 30/06/2022
- Organisation:
- NSW Department of Primary Industry
- Contact:
- Kristy Hobson
- Project status: